Source code for gsshapy.grid.hrrr_to_gssha

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
##  GSSHApy
##  Created by Alan D Snow, 2016.
##  License BSD 3-Clause

import logging
from os import mkdir, path, remove

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pangaea as pa
import requests

from .grid_to_gssha import GRIDtoGSSHA

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def download_hrrr_for_gssha(main_directory, forecast_start_date_string, #EX. '20160913' forecast_start_hour_string, #EX. '00' to '23' leftlon=-180, rightlon=180, toplat=90,bottomlat=-90): """ Function to download HRRR data for GSSHA URL: Args: main_directory(str): Location of the output for the forecast data. forecast_start_date_string(str): String for day of forecast. Ex. '20160913' forecast_start_hour_string(str): String for hour of forecast start. Ex. '02' leftlon(Optional[double,int]): Left bound for longitude. Default is -180. rightlon(Optional[double,int]): Right bound for longitude. Default is 180. toplat(Optional[double,int]): Top bound for latitude. Default is 90. bottomlat(Optional[double,int]): Bottom bound for latitude. Default is -90. Returns: downloaded_file_list(list): List of paths to downloaded files. Example:: from gsshapy.grid.hrrr_to_gssha import download_hrrr_for_gssha hrrr_folder = '/HRRR' leftlon = -95 rightlon = -75 toplat = 35 bottomlat = 30 downloaded_file_list = download_hrrr_for_gssha(hrrr_folder,'20160914','01', leftlon,rightlon,toplat,bottomlat) """ out_directory = path.join(main_directory, forecast_start_date_string) try: mkdir(out_directory) except OSError: pass forecast_timestep_hour_string_array = ['00', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18'] downloaded_file_list = [] for forecast_timestep_hour_string in forecast_timestep_hour_string_array: file_name = 'hrrr.t{0}z.wrfsfcf{1}.grib2'.format(forecast_start_hour_string, forecast_timestep_hour_string) payload = { 'file': file_name, 'lev_10_m_above_ground': 'on', 'lev_2_m_above_ground': 'on', 'lev_entire_atmosphere': 'on', 'lev_surface': 'on', 'var_DSWRF': 'on', 'var_PRATE': 'on', 'var_PRES': 'on', 'var_RH': 'on', 'var_TMP': 'on', 'var_UGRD': 'on', 'var_VGRD': 'on', 'var_TCDC': 'on', 'subregion': '', 'leftlon': str(leftlon), 'rightlon': str(rightlon), 'toplat': str(toplat), 'bottomlat': str(bottomlat), 'dir': '/hrrr.{0}'.format(forecast_start_date_string), } r = requests.get('', params=payload, stream=True) if r.status_code == out_file = path.join(out_directory, file_name) downloaded_file_list.append(out_file) with open(out_file, 'wb') as fd: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): fd.write(chunk) else: log.error("Problem downloading {0}".format(file_name)) for filename in downloaded_file_list: try: remove(filename) except OSError: pass downloaded_file_list = [] break return downloaded_file_list
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # MAIN CLASS #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class HRRRtoGSSHA(GRIDtoGSSHA): """This class converts the HRRR output data to GSSHA formatted input. This class inheris from class:`GRIDtoGSSHA`. Attributes: gssha_project_folder(:obj:`str`): Path to the GSSHA project folder gssha_project_file_name(:obj:`str`): Name of the GSSHA elevation grid file. lsm_input_folder_path(:obj:`str`): Path to the input folder for the LSM files. lsm_search_card(:obj:`str`): Glob search pattern for LSM files. Ex. "*.grib2". lsm_lat_var(Optional[:obj:`str`]): Name of the latitude variable in the LSM netCDF files. Defaults to 'lat'. lsm_lon_var(Optional[:obj:`str`]): Name of the longitude variable in the LSM netCDF files. Defaults to 'lon'. lsm_time_var(Optional[:obj:`str`]): Name of the time variable in the LSM netCDF files. Defaults to 'time'. lsm_lat_dim(Optional[:obj:`str`]): Name of the latitude dimension in the LSM netCDF files. Defaults to 'lat'. lsm_lon_dim(Optional[:obj:`str`]): Name of the longitude dimension in the LSM netCDF files. Defaults to 'lon'. lsm_time_dim(Optional[:obj:`str`]): Name of the time dimension in the LSM netCDF files. Defaults to 'time'. output_timezone(Optional[:obj:`tzinfo`]): This is the timezone to output the dates for the data. Default is the timezone of your GSSHA model. This option does NOT currently work for NetCDF output. Example:: from gsshapy.grid import HRRRtoGSSHA l2g = HRRRtoGSSHA(gssha_project_folder='E:\\GSSHA', gssha_project_file_name='gssha.prj', lsm_input_folder_path='E:\\GSSHA\\hrrr-data', lsm_search_card="*.grib2", ) # example data var map data_var_map_array = [ ['precipitation_rate', 'PRATE_P0_L1_GLC0'], ['pressure', 'PRES_P0_L1_GLC0'], ['relative_humidity', 'RH_P0_L103_GLC0'], ['wind_speed', ['UGRD_P0_L103_GLC0', 'VGRD_P0_L103_GLC0']], ['direct_radiation_cc', ['DSWRF_P0_L1_GLC0', 'TCDC_P0_L10_GLC0']], ['diffusive_radiation_cc', ['DSWRF_P0_L1_GLC0', 'TCDC_P0_L10_GLC0']], ['temperature', 'TMP_P0_L1_GLC0'], ['cloud_cover_pc', 'TCDC_P0_L10_GLC0'], ] """ def __init__(self, gssha_project_folder, gssha_project_file_name, lsm_input_folder_path, lsm_search_card, lsm_lat_var='gridlat_0', lsm_lon_var='gridlon_0', lsm_time_var='time', lsm_lat_dim='ygrid_0', lsm_lon_dim='xgrid_0', lsm_time_dim='time', output_timezone=None, ): """ Initializer function for the HRRRtoGSSHA class """ super(HRRRtoGSSHA, self).__init__(gssha_project_folder, gssha_project_file_name, lsm_input_folder_path, lsm_search_card, lsm_lat_var, lsm_lon_var, lsm_time_var, lsm_lat_dim, lsm_lon_dim, lsm_time_dim, output_timezone, pangaea_loader='hrrr')