Source code for gsshapy.orm.lnd

* Name: Link Node Dataset Model
* Author: Nathan Swain
* Created On: August 1, 2013
* Copyright: (c) Brigham Young University 2013
* License: BSD 2-Clause
from __future__ import unicode_literals

__all__ = ['LinkNodeDatasetFile',

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
from future.utils import iteritems
import logging

from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey, func
from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String, Float
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship

from mapkit.GeometryConverter import GeometryConverter
from mapkit.ColorRampGenerator import ColorRampEnum, ColorRampGenerator

from . import DeclarativeBase
from ..base.file_base import GsshaPyFileObjectBase
from ..lib import parsetools as pt

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class LinkNodeDatasetFile(DeclarativeBase, GsshaPyFileObjectBase): """ Object interface for Link Node Dataset files. As the name implies, link node datasets store output data for link node networks. In the case of GSSHA, this type of file is used to write output for the stream network nodes. The contents of this file is abstracted to several supporting objects including: :class:`.LinkNodeTimeStep`, :class:`.LinkDataset`, and :class:`.NodeDataset`. Note: The link node dataset must be linked with the channel input file to generate spatial visualizations. """ __tablename__ = 'lnd_link_node_dataset_files' tableName = __tablename__ #: Database tablename # Primary and Foreign Keys id = Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True) #: PK projectFileID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) #: FK channelInputFileID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) #: FK # Value Columns fileExtension = Column(String, default='lnd') #: STRING name = Column(String) #: STRING numLinks = Column(Integer) #: INTEGER timeStepInterval = Column(Integer) #: INTEGER numTimeSteps = Column(Integer) #: INTEGER startTime = Column(String) #: STRING # Relationship Properties projectFile = relationship('ProjectFile', back_populates='linkNodeDatasets') #: RELATIONSHIP timeSteps = relationship('LinkNodeTimeStep', back_populates='linkNodeDataset') #: RELATIONSHIP channelInputFile = relationship('ChannelInputFile', back_populates='linkNodeDatasets') #: RELATIONSHIP linkDatasets = relationship('LinkDataset', back_populates='linkNodeDatasetFile') #: RELATIONSHIP nodeDatasets = relationship('NodeDataset', back_populates='linkNodeDatasetFile') #: RELATIONSHIP def __init__(self): """ Constructor """ GsshaPyFileObjectBase.__init__(self)
[docs] def linkToChannelInputFile(self, session, channelInputFile, force=False): """ Create database relationships between the link node dataset and the channel input file. The link node dataset only stores references to the links and nodes--not the geometry. The link and node geometries are stored in the channel input file. The two files must be linked with database relationships to allow the creation of link node dataset visualizations. This process is not performed automatically during reading, because it can be very costly in terms of read time. This operation can only be performed after both files have been read into the database. Args: session (:mod:`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session`): SQLAlchemy session object bound to PostGIS enabled database channelInputFile (:class:`gsshapy.orm.ChannelInputFile`): Channel input file object to be associated with this link node dataset file. force (bool, optional): Force channel input file reassignment. When false (default), channel input file assignment is skipped if it has already been performed. """ # Only perform operation if the channel input file has not been assigned or the force parameter is true if self.channelInputFile is not None and not force: return # Set the channel input file relationship self.channelInputFile = channelInputFile # Retrieve the fluvial stream links orderedLinks = channelInputFile.getOrderedLinks(session) # Retrieve the LinkNodeTimeStep objects timeSteps = self.timeSteps # Link each link dataset in each time step for timeStep in timeSteps: # Retrieve link datasets linkDatasets = timeStep.linkDatasets # Link each node dataset for l, linkDataset in enumerate(linkDatasets): # Get the fluvial link and nodes streamLink = orderedLinks[l] streamNodes = streamLink.nodes # Link link datasets to fluvial links = streamLink # Retrieve node datasets nodeDatasets = linkDataset.nodeDatasets # Link the node dataset with the channel input file nodes if len(nodeDatasets) > 0 and len(streamNodes) > 0: for n, nodeDataset in enumerate(nodeDatasets): nodeDataset.node = streamNodes[n] session.add(self) session.commit()
[docs] def getAsKmlAnimation(self, session, channelInputFile, path=None, documentName=None, styles={}): """ Generate a KML visualization of the the link node dataset file. Link node dataset files are time stamped link node value datasets. This will yield a value for each stream node at each time step that output is written. The resulting KML visualization will be an animation. The stream nodes are represented by cylinders where the z dimension/elevation represents the values. A color ramp is applied to make different values stand out even more. The method attempts to identify an appropriate scale factor for the z dimension, but it can be set manually using the styles dictionary. Args: session (:mod:`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session`): SQLAlchemy session object bound to PostGIS enabled database channelInputFile (:class:`gsshapy.orm.ChannelInputFile`): Channel input file object to be associated with this link node dataset file. path (str, optional): Path to file where KML will be written. Defaults to None. documentName (str, optional): Name of the KML document. This will be the name that appears in the legend. Defaults to the name of the link node dataset file. styles (dict, optional): Custom styles to apply to KML geometry. Defaults to empty dictionary. Valid keys (styles) include: * zScale (float): multiplier to apply to the values (z dimension) * radius (float): radius in meters of the node cylinder * colorRampEnum (:mod:`mapkit.ColorRampGenerator.ColorRampEnum` or dict): Use ColorRampEnum to select a default color ramp or a dictionary with keys 'colors' and 'interpolatedPoints' to specify a custom color ramp. The 'colors' key must be a list of RGB integer tuples (e.g.: (255, 0, 0)) and the 'interpolatedPoints' must be an integer representing the number of points to interpolate between each color given in the colors list. Returns: str: KML string """ # Constants DECMIAL_DEGREE_METER = 0.00001 OPTIMAL_Z_MAX = 300 # meters # Default styles radiusMeters = 2 * DECMIAL_DEGREE_METER # 2 meters zScale = 1 colorRamp = ColorRampGenerator.generateDefaultColorRamp(ColorRampEnum.COLOR_RAMP_HUE) # Validate if not documentName: documentName = if 'zScale' in styles: try: float(styles['zScale']) zScale = styles['zScale'] except ValueError: log.warning('zScale must be a valid number representing z dimension multiplier.') if 'radius' in styles: try: float(styles['radius']) radiusMeters = styles['radius'] * DECMIAL_DEGREE_METER except ValueError: log.warning('radius must be a number representing the radius of the value cylinders in meters.') if 'colorRampEnum' in styles: colorRampEnum = styles['colorRampEnum'] if isinstance(colorRampEnum, dict): colorRamp = ColorRampGenerator.generateCustomColorRamp(colorRampEnum['colors'], colorRampEnum['interpolatedPoints']) elif isinstance(colorRampEnum, int): colorRamp = ColorRampGenerator.generateDefaultColorRamp(colorRampEnum) # Link to channel input file self.linkToChannelInputFile(session, channelInputFile) # Create instance of GeometryConverter converter = GeometryConverter(session) # Get LinkNodeTimeSteps linkNodeTimeSteps = self.timeSteps # Get date time parameters timeStepDelta = timedelta(minutes=self.timeStepInterval) startDateTime = datetime(1970, 1, 1) startTimeParts = self.startTime.split() # Calculate min and max values for the color ramp minValue = 0.0 maxValue = session.query(func.max(NodeDataset.value)).\ filter(NodeDataset.linkNodeDatasetFile == self).\ filter(NodeDataset.status == 1).\ scalar() avgValue = session.query(func.avg(NodeDataset.value)).\ filter(NodeDataset.linkNodeDatasetFile == self).\ filter(NodeDataset.status == 1).\ scalar() # Calculate automatic zScale if not assigned if 'zScale' not in styles: zScale = OPTIMAL_Z_MAX / ((maxValue + avgValue) / 2) # Map color ramp to values mappedColorRamp = ColorRampGenerator.mapColorRampToValues(colorRamp, minValue, maxValue) if len(startTimeParts) > 5: # Default start date time to epoch startDateTime = datetime(year=int(startTimeParts[2]) or 1970, month=int(startTimeParts[1]) or 1, day=int(startTimeParts[0]) or 1, hour=int(startTimeParts[3]) or 0, minute=int(startTimeParts[4]) or 0) # Start the Kml Document kml = ET.Element('kml', xmlns='') document = ET.SubElement(kml, 'Document') docName = ET.SubElement(document, 'name') docName.text = documentName # Apply special style to hide legend items style = ET.SubElement(document, 'Style', id='check-hide-children') listStyle = ET.SubElement(style, 'ListStyle') listItemType = ET.SubElement(listStyle, 'listItemType') listItemType.text = 'checkHideChildren' styleUrl = ET.SubElement(document, 'styleUrl') styleUrl.text = '#check-hide-children' for linkNodeTimeStep in linkNodeTimeSteps: # Create current datetime objects timeSpanBegin = startDateTime + (linkNodeTimeStep.timeStep * timeStepDelta) timeSpanEnd = timeSpanBegin + timeStepDelta # Get Link Datasets linkDatasets = linkNodeTimeStep.linkDatasets for linkDataset in linkDatasets: # Don't process special link datasets (with node counts of -1 or 0) if linkDataset.numNodeDatasets <= 0: break # Get Node Datasets nodeDatasets = linkDataset.nodeDatasets for nodeDataset in nodeDatasets: # Get node node = nodeDataset.node link = node.streamLink extrude = nodeDataset.value # Don't extrude below 0 if nodeDataset.value < 0.0: extrude = 0.0 # Convert to circle circleString = converter.getPointAsKmlCircle(tableName=node.tableName, radius=radiusMeters, extrude=extrude, zScaleFactor=zScale, # Convert alpha from 0.0-1.0 decimal to 00-FF string integerAlpha = mappedColorRamp.getAlphaAsInteger() # Get RGB color from color ramp and convert to KML hex ABGR string with alpha integerRGB = mappedColorRamp.getColorForValue(nodeDataset.value) # Make color ABGR string colorString = '%02X%02X%02X%02X' % (integerAlpha, integerRGB[mappedColorRamp.B], integerRGB[mappedColorRamp.G], integerRGB[mappedColorRamp.R]) # Create placemark placemark = ET.SubElement(document, 'Placemark') # Create style tag and setup styles style = ET.SubElement(placemark, 'Style') # Set polygon line style lineStyle = ET.SubElement(style, 'LineStyle') # Disable lines by setting line width to 0 lineWidth = ET.SubElement(lineStyle, 'width') lineWidth.text = str(0) # Set polygon fill color polyStyle = ET.SubElement(style, 'PolyStyle') polyColor = ET.SubElement(polyStyle, 'color') polyColor.text = colorString if len(linkNodeTimeSteps) > 1: # Create TimeSpan tag timeSpan = ET.SubElement(placemark, 'TimeSpan') # Create begin and end tags begin = ET.SubElement(timeSpan, 'begin') begin.text = timeSpanBegin.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') end = ET.SubElement(timeSpan, 'end') end.text = timeSpanEnd.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') # Append geometry polygonCircle = ET.fromstring(circleString) placemark.append(polygonCircle) # Embed node data nodeExtendedData = ET.SubElement(placemark, 'ExtendedData') nodeNumberData = ET.SubElement(nodeExtendedData, 'Data', name='node_number') nodeNumberValue = ET.SubElement(nodeNumberData, 'value') nodeNumberValue.text = str(node.nodeNumber) nodeLinkNumberData = ET.SubElement(nodeExtendedData, 'Data', name='link_number') nodeLinkNumberValue = ET.SubElement(nodeLinkNumberData, 'value') nodeLinkNumberValue.text = str(link.linkNumber) nodeElevationData = ET.SubElement(nodeExtendedData, 'Data', name='value') nodeElevationValue = ET.SubElement(nodeElevationData, 'value') nodeElevationValue.text = str(nodeDataset.value) kmlString = ET.tostring(kml) if path: with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(kmlString) return kmlString
def _read(self, directory, filename, session, path, name, extension, spatial, spatialReferenceID, replaceParamFile): """ Link Node Dataset File Read from File Method """ # Set file extension property self.fileExtension = extension # Dictionary of keywords/cards and parse function names KEYWORDS = ('NUM_LINKS', 'TIME_STEP', 'NUM_TS', 'START_TIME', 'TS') # Parse file into chunks associated with keywords/cards with open(path, 'r') as f: = f.readline().strip() chunks = pt.chunk(KEYWORDS, f) # Parse chunks associated with each key for card, chunkList in iteritems(chunks): # Parse each chunk in the chunk list for chunk in chunkList: schunk = chunk[0].strip().split() # Cases if card == 'NUM_LINKS': # NUM_LINKS handler self.numLinks = schunk[1] elif card == 'TIME_STEP': # TIME_STEP handler self.timeStepInterval = schunk[1] elif card == 'NUM_TS': # NUM_TS handler self.numTimeSteps = schunk[1] elif card == 'START_TIME': # START_TIME handler self.startTime = '%s %s %s %s %s %s' % ( schunk[1], schunk[2], schunk[3], schunk[4], schunk[5], schunk[6]) elif card == 'TS': # TS handler for line in chunk: sline = line.strip().split() token = sline[0] # Cases if token == 'TS': # Time Step line handler timeStep = LinkNodeTimeStep(timeStep=sline[1]) timeStep.linkNodeDataset = self else: # Split the line spLinkLine = line.strip().split() # Create LinkDataset GSSHAPY object linkDataset = LinkDataset() linkDataset.numNodeDatasets = int(spLinkLine[0]) linkDataset.timeStep = timeStep linkDataset.linkNodeDatasetFile = self # Parse line into NodeDatasets NODE_VALUE_INCREMENT = 2 statusIndex = 1 valueIndex = statusIndex + 1 # Parse line into node datasets if linkDataset.numNodeDatasets > 0: for i in range(0, linkDataset.numNodeDatasets): # Create NodeDataset GSSHAPY object nodeDataset = NodeDataset() nodeDataset.status = int(spLinkLine[statusIndex]) nodeDataset.value = float(spLinkLine[valueIndex]) nodeDataset.linkDataset = linkDataset nodeDataset.linkNodeDatasetFile = self # Increment to next status/value pair statusIndex += NODE_VALUE_INCREMENT valueIndex += NODE_VALUE_INCREMENT else: nodeDataset = NodeDataset() nodeDataset.value = float(spLinkLine[1]) nodeDataset.linkDataset = linkDataset nodeDataset.linkNodeDatasetFile = self def _write(self, session, openFile, replaceParamFile): """ Link Node Dataset File Write to File Method """ # Retrieve TimeStep objects timeSteps = self.timeSteps # Write Lines openFile.write('%s\n' % openFile.write('NUM_LINKS %s\n' % self.numLinks) openFile.write('TIME_STEP %s\n' % self.timeStepInterval) openFile.write('NUM_TS %s\n' % self.numTimeSteps) openFile.write('START_TIME %s\n' % self.startTime) for timeStep in timeSteps: openFile.write('TS %s\n' % timeStep.timeStep) # Retrieve LinkDataset objects linkDatasets = timeStep.linkDatasets for linkDataset in linkDatasets: # Write number of node datasets values openFile.write('{0} '.format(linkDataset.numNodeDatasets)) # Retrieve NodeDatasets nodeDatasets = linkDataset.nodeDatasets if linkDataset.numNodeDatasets > 0: for nodeDataset in nodeDatasets: # Write status and value openFile.write('{0} {1:.5f} '.format(nodeDataset.status, nodeDataset.value)) else: for nodeDataset in nodeDatasets: # Write status and value if linkDataset.numNodeDatasets < 0: openFile.write('{0:.5f}'.format(nodeDataset.value)) else: openFile.write('{0:.3f}'.format(nodeDataset.value)) # Write new line character after each link dataset openFile.write('\n') # Insert empty line between time steps openFile.write('\n')
[docs]class LinkNodeTimeStep(DeclarativeBase): """ Object containing data for a single time step of a link node dataset file. Each link node time step will have a link dataset for each stream link in the channel input file. """ __tablename__ = 'lnd_time_steps' tableName = __tablename__ #: Database tablename # Primary and Foreign Keys id = Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True) #: PK linkNodeDatasetFileID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) #: FK # Value Columns timeStep = Column(Integer) #: INTEGER # Relationship Properties linkNodeDataset = relationship('LinkNodeDatasetFile', back_populates='timeSteps') #: RELATIONSHIP linkDatasets = relationship('LinkDataset', back_populates='timeStep') #: RELATIONSHIP def __init__(self, timeStep): self.timeStep = timeStep def __repr__(self): return '<TimeStep: %s>' % self.timeStep
[docs]class LinkDataset(DeclarativeBase): """ Object containing data for a single link dataset in a link node dataset file. A link dataset will have a node dataset for each of the stream nodes belonging to the stream link that it is associated with. """ __tablename__ = 'lnd_link_datasets' tableName = __tablename__ #: Database tablename # Primary and Foreign Keys id = Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True) #: PK timeStepID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) #: FK streamLinkID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) #: FK linkNodeDatasetFileID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) #: FK # Value Columns numNodeDatasets = Column(Integer) #: INTEGER # Relationship Properties linkNodeDatasetFile = relationship('LinkNodeDatasetFile', back_populates='linkDatasets') #: RELATIONSHIP timeStep = relationship('LinkNodeTimeStep', back_populates='linkDatasets') #: RELATIONSHIP nodeDatasets = relationship('NodeDataset', back_populates='linkDataset') #: RELATIONSHIP link = relationship('StreamLink', back_populates='datasets') #: RELATIONSHIP def __repr__(self): return '<LinkDataset: NumberNodeDatasets=%s>' % self.numNodeDatasets
[docs]class NodeDataset(DeclarativeBase): """ Object containing data for a single node dataset in a link node dataset file. The values stored in a link node dataset file are found in the node datasets. """ __tablename__ = 'lnd_node_datasets' tableName = __tablename__ #: Database tablename # Primary and Foreign Keys id = Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True) #: PK linkDatasetID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) #: FK streamNodeID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) #: FK linkNodeDatasetFileID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) #: FK # Value Columns status = Column(Integer) #: INTEGER value = Column(Float) #: FLOAT # Relationship Properties linkNodeDatasetFile = relationship('LinkNodeDatasetFile', back_populates='nodeDatasets') #: RELATIONSHIP linkDataset = relationship('LinkDataset', back_populates='nodeDatasets') #: RELATIONSHIP node = relationship('StreamNode', back_populates='datasets') #: RELATIONSHIP def __repr__(self): return '<NodeDataset: Status=%s, Value=%s>' % (self.status, self.value)