Read Files to a Database

Last Updated: July 30, 2014

This page will provide an example of how GsshaPy can be used to read single a GSSHA model file into an SQL database. We will read in the project file from the Park City model that you downloaded on the previous page.

Initiate GsshaPy Database

The first step is to create a database and populate it with all of the GsshaPy tables. The database tools API for creating databases is located here: Database Tools

For this tutorial you will need to create a new database in a PostgreSQL database and enable the PostGIS extension. This can be done by following the instructions on the PostGIS website: .

Create a database user with password and a PostGIS enabled database with the following credentials:

  • Username: gsshapy
  • Password: pass
  • Database: gsshapy_tutorial

Open a Python console and execute the following commands to populate the database with GsshaPy tables:

>>> from gsshapy.lib import db_tools as dbt
>>> sqlalchemy_url = dbt.init_postgresql_db(username='gsshapy', host='localhost', database='gsshapy_tutorial', port='5432', password='pass')

This method returns an SQLAlchemy url. This url is used to create SQLAlchemy session objects for interacting with the database. In the Python console:

>>> session_maker = dbt.get_sessionmaker(sqlalchemy_url)
>>> session = session_maker()

Create a GsshaPy Object

We need to create an instance of the GsshaPy ProjectFile file class to be able to read the project file into the database. In the python console, import the ProjectFile file class and instantiate it to create new ProjectFile object:

>>> from gsshapy.orm import ProjectFile
>>> projectFile = ProjectFile()

Read the File into the Database

Next, define a few variables that will define the directory where the files are located and the name of the project file. Be sure to enter the path to where you unzipped the tutorial data as the directory variable. Invoke the read() method on projectFile to read the contents of the file into the database:

>>> readDirectory = '/path_to/tutorial-data'
>>> filename = 'parkcity.prj'
>>>, filename=filename, session=session)

The contents of the project file has now been read into the database. The next tutorial will illustrate how you can query the data in the database using the GsshaPy objects.

Inspect Supporting Objects

As was mentioned in the introduction, GsshaPy file objects are often supported by other supporting objects. In the case of the project file, there is only one supporting object called gsshapy.orm.ProjectCard. The project file consists of a set of key value pairs called cards. Each card is stored using one of these project card objects. When you executed the read() method, it created an instance of gsshapy.orm.ProjectCard for each project card in the project file. These project file objects are accessible via the projectCards property of the project file object. To illustrate this concept, execute the following lines in the Python console:

>>> projectCards = projectFile.projectCards
>>> for card in projectCards:
...     print card

<ProjectCard: Name=WMS, Value=WMS 9.1 (64-Bit)>
<ProjectCard: Name=WATERSHED_MASK, Value="parkcity.msk">
<ProjectCard: Name=PROJECT_PATH, Value="">
<ProjectCard: Name=#LandSoil, Value="parkcity.lsf">
<ProjectCard: Name=#PROJECTION_FILE, Value="">
<ProjectCard: Name=NON_ORTHO_CHANNELS, Value=None>
<ProjectCard: Name=FLINE, Value="">
<ProjectCard: Name=METRIC, Value=None>
<ProjectCard: Name=GRIDSIZE, Value=90.000000>
<ProjectCard: Name=ROWS, Value=72>
<ProjectCard: Name=COLS, Value=67>

Each project card object is summarized similar to the sampling above. You can access the card name and value using the properties of the project card:

>>> for card in projectCards:
...     print, card.value

WMS WMS 9.1 (64-Bit)
WATERSHED_MASK "parkcity.msk"
#LandSoil "parkcity.lsf"
GRIDSIZE 90.000000

GsshaPy eliminates the need for you to manually parse the file. Instead, you can work with each file using an object oriented approach. Behind the scenes, SQLAlchemy issues queries to the database tables to populate objects with data. This will be illustrated more concretely in the next tutorial.