Source code for gsshapy.grid.grid_to_gssha

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  GSSHApy
#  Created by Alan D Snow, 2016.
#  License BSD 3-Clause

from builtins import range
from datetime import datetime
from io import open as io_open
import logging
import numpy as np
from os import mkdir, path, remove, rename
import pangaea as pa
import pandas as pd
from past.builtins import basestring
from pytz import utc
from shutil import copy
import xarray as xr
import xarray.ufuncs as xu

from gazar.grid import ArrayGrid
from ..lib import db_tools as dbt

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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[docs]def update_hmet_card_file(hmet_card_file_path, new_hmet_data_path): """This function updates the paths in the HMET card file to the new location of the HMET data. This is necessary because the file paths are absolute and will need to be updated if moved. Args: hmet_card_file_path(str): Location of the file used for the HMET_ASCII card. new_hmet_data_path(str): Location where the HMET ASCII files are currently. Example:: new_hmet_data_path = "E:\\GSSHA\\new_hmet_directory" hmet_card_file_path = "E:\\GSSHA\\hmet_card_file.txt" update_hmet_card_file(hmet_card_file_path, new_hmet_data_path) """ hmet_card_file_path_temp = "{0}_tmp".format(hmet_card_file_path) try: remove(hmet_card_file_path_temp) except OSError: pass copy(hmet_card_file_path, hmet_card_file_path_temp) with io_open(hmet_card_file_path_temp, 'w', newline='\r\n') as out_hmet_list_file: with open(hmet_card_file_path) as old_hmet_list_file: for date_path in old_hmet_list_file: out_hmet_list_file.write(u"{0}\n".format(path.join(new_hmet_data_path, path.basename(date_path)))) try: remove(hmet_card_file_path) except OSError: pass rename(hmet_card_file_path_temp, hmet_card_file_path)
def esat(temp): """ saturation water vapour pressure is expressed with the Teten’s formula 7.2.1 (b) eqn. 7.5 esat(T) = a1*exp(a3*((T − T0)/(T − a4))) a1 = 611.21 Pa, a3 = 17.502 and a4 = 32.19 K for saturation over water T0 = 273.16 K note: ignoring saturation over ice & mixed """ return 611.21*xu.exp(17.502*(temp-273.16)/(temp-32.19)) def array_binary_percent(in_array): """Makes a dataset with values greater than zero 100 percent""" in_array[in_array > 0] = 100 return in_array def array_binary_percent_10(in_array): """Makes a dataset with values greater than zero 100/10 percent""" in_array[in_array > 0] = 10 return in_array # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # MAIN CLASS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class GRIDtoGSSHA(object): """This class converts the LSM output data to GSSHA formatted input. Attributes: gssha_project_folder(:obj:`str`): Path to the GSSHA project folder gssha_project_file_name(:obj:`str`): Name of the GSSHA elevation grid file. lsm_input_folder_path(:obj:`str`): Path to the input folder for the LSM files. lsm_search_card(:obj:`str`): Glob search pattern for LSM files. Ex. "*.nc". lsm_lat_var(Optional[:obj:`str`]): Name of the latitude variable in the LSM netCDF files. Defaults to 'lat'. lsm_lon_var(Optional[:obj:`str`]): Name of the longitude variable in the LSM netCDF files. Defaults to 'lon'. lsm_time_var(Optional[:obj:`str`]): Name of the time variable in the LSM netCDF files. Defaults to 'time'. lsm_lat_dim(Optional[:obj:`str`]): Name of the latitude dimension in the LSM netCDF files. Defaults to 'lat'. lsm_lon_dim(Optional[:obj:`str`]): Name of the longitude dimension in the LSM netCDF files. Defaults to 'lon'. lsm_time_dim(Optional[:obj:`str`]): Name of the time dimension in the LSM netCDF files. Defaults to 'time'. output_timezone(Optional[:obj:`tzinfo`]): This is the timezone to output the dates for the data. Default is the timezone of your GSSHA model. This option does NOT currently work for NetCDF output. pangaea_loader(Optional[:obj:`str`]): String to define loader used when opening pangaea dataset (Ex. 'hrrr'). Default is None. Example:: from gsshapy.grid import GRIDtoGSSHA g2g = GRIDtoGSSHA(gssha_project_folder='E:/GSSHA', gssha_project_file_name='gssha.prj', lsm_input_folder_path='E:/GSSHA/lsm-data', lsm_search_card="*.nc", ) """ # DEFAULT GSSHA NetCDF Attributes netcdf_attributes = { 'precipitation_rate': # NOTE: LSM INFO # units = "kg m-2 s-1" ; i.e. mm s-1 { 'units': { 'gage': 'mm hr-1', 'ascii': 'mm hr-1', 'netcdf': 'mm hr-1', }, 'units_netcdf': 'mm hr-1', 'standard_name': 'rainfall_flux', 'long_name': 'Rain precipitation rate', 'gssha_name': 'precipitation', 'hmet_name': 'Prcp', 'conversion_factor': { 'gage': 3600, 'ascii': 3600, 'netcdf': 3600, }, }, 'precipitation_acc': # NOTE: LSM INFO # assumes units = "kg m-2" ; i.e. mm # checks for units: "m" { 'units': { 'gage': 'mm hr-1', 'ascii': 'mm hr-1', 'netcdf': 'mm hr-1', }, 'units_netcdf': 'mm hr-1', 'standard_name': 'rainfall_flux', 'long_name': 'Rain precipitation rate', 'gssha_name': 'precipitation', 'hmet_name': 'Prcp', 'conversion_factor': { 'gage': 1, 'ascii': 1, 'netcdf': 1, }, }, 'precipitation_inc': # NOTE: LSM INFO # assumes units = "kg m-2" ; i.e. mm # checks for units: "m" { 'units': { 'gage': 'mm hr-1', 'ascii': 'mm hr-1', 'netcdf': 'mm hr-1', }, 'units_netcdf': 'mm hr-1', 'standard_name': 'rainfall_flux', 'long_name': 'Rain precipitation rate', 'gssha_name': 'precipitation', 'hmet_name': 'Prcp', 'conversion_factor': { 'gage': 1, 'ascii': 1, 'netcdf': 1, }, }, 'pressure': # NOTE: LSM INFO # units = "Pa" ; { 'units': { 'ascii': 'in. Hg', 'netcdf': 'mb', }, 'standard_name': 'surface_air_pressure', 'long_name': 'Pressure', 'gssha_name': 'pressure', 'hmet_name': 'Pres', 'conversion_factor': { 'ascii': 0.000295299830714, 'netcdf': 0.01, }, }, 'pressure_hg': { 'units': { 'ascii': 'in. Hg', 'netcdf': 'mb', }, 'standard_name': 'surface_air_pressure', 'long_name': 'Pressure', 'gssha_name': 'pressure', 'hmet_name': 'Pres', 'conversion_factor': { 'ascii': 1, 'netcdf': 33.863886667, }, }, 'relative_humidity': # NOTE: LSM Usually Specific Humidity # units = "kg kg-1" ; # standard_name = "specific_humidity" ; # long_name = "Specific humidity" ; { 'units': { 'ascii': '%', 'netcdf': '%', }, 'standard_name': 'relative_humidity', 'long_name': 'Relative humidity', 'gssha_name': 'relative_humidity', 'hmet_name': 'RlHm', 'conversion_factor': { 'ascii': 1, 'netcdf': 1, }, }, 'relative_humidity_dew': # NOTE: ECMWF provides dew point temperature { 'units': { 'ascii': '%', 'netcdf': '%', }, 'standard_name': 'relative_humidity', 'long_name': 'Relative humidity', 'gssha_name': 'relative_humidity', 'hmet_name': 'RlHm', 'conversion_factor': { 'ascii': 1, 'netcdf': 1, }, }, 'swe': # Snow Water Eqivalent (SWE) # units = "kg m-2", i.e. "mm" # NOT IN HMET, USED FOR INITIALIZATION # INIT_SWE_DEPTH # { 'units': { 'grid': 'm', }, 'standard_name': 'snow_water_eqivalent', 'long_name': 'Snow Water Eqivalent', 'gssha_name': 'snow_water_eqivalent', 'conversion_factor': { 'grid': 0.001, }, }, 'wind_speed': # NOTE: LSM # units = "m s-1" ; { 'units': { 'ascii': 'kts', 'netcdf': 'kts', }, 'standard_name': 'wind_speed', 'long_name': 'Wind speed', 'gssha_name': 'wind_speed', 'hmet_name': 'WndS', 'conversion_factor': { 'ascii': 1.94, 'netcdf': 1.94, }, }, 'wind_speed_kmd': # NOTE: LSM # units = "km/day" ; { 'units': { 'ascii': 'kts', 'netcdf': 'kts', }, 'standard_name': 'wind_speed', 'long_name': 'Wind speed', 'gssha_name': 'wind_speed', 'hmet_name': 'WndS', 'conversion_factor': { 'ascii': 0.0224537037, 'netcdf': 0.0224537037, }, }, 'wind_speed_kts': { 'units': { 'ascii': 'kts', 'netcdf': 'kts', }, 'standard_name': 'wind_speed', 'long_name': 'Wind speed', 'gssha_name': 'wind_speed', 'hmet_name': 'WndS', 'conversion_factor': { 'ascii': 1, 'netcdf': 1, }, }, 'temperature': # NOTE: LSM # units = "K" ; { 'units': { 'ascii': 'F', 'netcdf': 'C', }, 'standard_name': 'air_temperature', 'long_name': 'Temperature', 'gssha_name': 'temperature', 'hmet_name': 'Temp', 'conversion_factor': { 'ascii': 1, 'netcdf': 1, }, 'conversion_function': { 'ascii': lambda temp_kelvin: temp_kelvin * 9.0 / 5.0 - 459.67, 'netcdf': lambda temp_celcius: temp_celcius - 273.15, }, }, 'temperature_f': { 'units': { 'ascii': 'F', 'netcdf': 'C', }, 'standard_name': 'air_temperature', 'long_name': 'Temperature', 'gssha_name': 'temperature', 'hmet_name': 'Temp', 'conversion_factor': { 'ascii': 1, 'netcdf': 1, }, 'conversion_function': { 'ascii': lambda temp_farenheight: temp_farenheight, 'netcdf': lambda temp_farenheight: (temp_farenheight - 32) * 5.0 / 9.0, }, }, 'direct_radiation': # DIRECT/BEAM/SOLAR RADIATION # NOTE: LSM # WRF: global_radiation * (1-DIFFUSIVE_FRACTION) # units = "W m-2" ; { 'units': { 'ascii': 'W hr m-2', 'netcdf': 'W hr m-2', }, 'standard_name': 'surface_direct_downward_shortwave_flux', 'long_name': 'Direct short wave radiation flux', 'gssha_name': 'direct_radiation', 'hmet_name': 'Drad', 'conversion_factor': { 'ascii': 1, 'netcdf': 1, }, }, 'direct_radiation_j': # DIRECT/BEAM/SOLAR RADIATION # NOTE: LSM # units = "J m-2" ; { 'units': { 'ascii': 'W hr m-2', 'netcdf': 'W hr m-2', }, 'standard_name': 'surface_direct_downward_shortwave_flux', 'long_name': 'Direct short wave radiation flux', 'gssha_name': 'direct_radiation', 'hmet_name': 'Drad', 'conversion_factor': { 'ascii': 1 / 3600.0, 'netcdf': 1 / 3600.0, }, }, 'diffusive_radiation': # DIFFUSIVE RADIATION # NOTE: LSM # WRF: global_radiation * DIFFUSIVE_FRACTION # units = "W m-2" ; { 'units': { 'ascii': 'W hr m-2', 'netcdf': 'W hr m-2', }, 'standard_name': 'surface_diffusive_downward_shortwave_flux', 'long_name': 'Diffusive short wave radiation flux', 'gssha_name': 'diffusive_radiation', 'hmet_name': 'Grad', # 6.1 GSSHA CODE INCORRECTLY SAYS IT IS GRAD 'conversion_factor': { 'ascii': 1, 'netcdf': 1, }, }, 'diffusive_radiation_j': # DIFFUSIVE RADIATION # NOTE: LSM # ERA5: global_radiation - diffusive_radiation # units = "J m-2" ; { 'units': { 'ascii': 'W hr m-2', 'netcdf': 'W hr m-2', }, 'standard_name': 'surface_diffusive_downward_shortwave_flux', 'long_name': 'Diffusive short wave radiation flux', 'gssha_name': 'diffusive_radiation', 'hmet_name': 'Grad', # 6.1 GSSHA CODE INCORRECTLY SAYS IT IS GRAD 'conversion_factor': { 'ascii': 1 / 3600.0, 'netcdf': 1 / 3600.0, }, }, 'direct_radiation_cc': # DIRECT/BEAM/SOLAR RADIATION # NOTE: LSM # DIFFUSIVE_FRACTION = cloud_cover_pc/100 # WRF: global_radiation * (1-DIFFUSIVE_FRACTION) # units = "W m-2" ; { 'units': { 'ascii': 'W hr m-2', 'netcdf': 'W hr m-2', }, 'standard_name': 'surface_direct_downward_shortwave_flux', 'long_name': 'Direct short wave radiation flux', 'gssha_name': 'direct_radiation', 'hmet_name': 'Drad', 'conversion_factor': { 'ascii': 1, 'netcdf': 1, }, }, 'diffusive_radiation_cc': # DIFFUSIVE RADIATION # NOTE: LSM # DIFFUSIVE_FRACTION = cloud_cover_pc/100 # WRF: global_radiation * DIFFUSIVE_FRACTION # units = "W m-2" ; { 'units': { 'ascii': 'W hr m-2', 'netcdf': 'W hr m-2', }, 'standard_name': 'surface_diffusive_downward_shortwave_flux', 'long_name': 'Diffusive short wave radiation flux', 'gssha_name': 'diffusive_radiation', 'hmet_name': 'Grad', # 6.1 GSSHA CODE INCORRECTLY SAYS IT IS GRAD 'conversion_factor': { 'ascii': 1, 'netcdf': 1, }, }, 'cloud_cover': # NOTE: LSM # Between 0-1 (0=No Clouds; 1=Clouds) ; { 'units': { 'ascii': '%', 'netcdf': '%/10', }, 'standard_name': 'cloud_cover_fraction', 'long_name': 'Cloud cover fraction', 'gssha_name': 'cloud_cover', 'hmet_name': 'Clod', 'conversion_factor': { 'ascii': 100, 'netcdf': 10, }, 'calc_4d_method': 'max', 'calc_4d_dim': 'bottom_top', }, 'cloud_cover_pc': # NOTE: LSM # Between 0-100 (0=No Clouds; 100=Full Clouds) ; { 'units': { 'ascii': '%', 'netcdf': '%/10', }, 'standard_name': 'cloud_cover_fraction', 'long_name': 'Cloud cover fraction', 'gssha_name': 'cloud_cover', 'hmet_name': 'Clod', 'conversion_factor': { 'ascii': 1, 'netcdf': 0.1, }, 'calc_4d_method': 'max', 'calc_4d_dim': 'bottom_top', }, 'cloud_cover_bin': # NOTE: LSM # (0=No Clouds; 0>Clouds) ; { 'units': { 'ascii': '%', 'netcdf': '%/10', }, 'standard_name': 'cloud_cover_fraction', 'long_name': 'Cloud cover fraction', 'gssha_name': 'cloud_cover', 'hmet_name': 'Clod', 'conversion_factor': { 'ascii': 1, 'netcdf': 1, }, 'conversion_function': { 'ascii': array_binary_percent, 'netcdf': array_binary_percent_10, }, 'calc_4d_method': 'max', 'calc_4d_dim': 'bottom_top', }, } def __init__(self, gssha_project_folder, gssha_project_file_name, lsm_input_folder_path, lsm_search_card, lsm_lat_var='lat', lsm_lon_var='lon', lsm_time_var='time', lsm_lat_dim='lat', lsm_lon_dim='lon', lsm_time_dim='time', output_timezone=None, pangaea_loader=None, ): """ Initializer function for the GRIDtoGSSHA class """ self.gssha_project_folder = gssha_project_folder self.gssha_project_file_name = gssha_project_file_name self.lsm_input_folder_path = lsm_input_folder_path self.lsm_search_card = lsm_search_card self.lsm_lat_var = lsm_lat_var self.lsm_lon_var = lsm_lon_var self.lsm_time_var = lsm_time_var self.lsm_lat_dim = lsm_lat_dim self.lsm_lon_dim = lsm_lon_dim self.lsm_time_dim = lsm_time_dim self.output_timezone = output_timezone self.pangaea_loader = pangaea_loader self._xd = None # load in GSSHA model files project_manager, db_sessionmaker = \ dbt.get_project_session(path.splitext(self.gssha_project_file_name)[0], self.gssha_project_folder) db_session = db_sessionmaker(), filename=self.gssha_project_file_name, session=db_session) self.gssha_grid = project_manager.getGrid() if self.output_timezone is None: self.output_timezone = project_manager.timezone db_session.close() # load in modeling extent self._load_modeling_extent() @property def xd(self): """get xarray dataset file handle to LSM files""" if self._xd is None: path_to_lsm_files = path.join(self.lsm_input_folder_path, self.lsm_search_card) self._xd = pa.open_mfdataset(path_to_lsm_files, lat_var=self.lsm_lat_var, lon_var=self.lsm_lon_var, time_var=self.lsm_time_var, lat_dim=self.lsm_lat_dim, lon_dim=self.lsm_lon_dim, time_dim=self.lsm_time_dim, loader=self.pangaea_loader) self.lsm_time_dim = 'time' self.lsm_time_var = 'time' return self._xd def _set_subset_indices(self, y_min, y_max, x_min, x_max): """ load subset based on extent """ y_coords, x_coords = self.xd.lsm.coords dx = self.xd.lsm.dx dy = self.xd.lsm.dy lsm_y_indices_from_y, lsm_x_indices_from_y = \ np.where((y_coords >= (y_min - 2*dy)) & (y_coords <= (y_max + 2*dy))) lsm_y_indices_from_x, lsm_x_indices_from_x = \ np.where((x_coords >= (x_min - 2*dx)) & (x_coords <= (x_max + 2*dx))) lsm_y_indices = np.intersect1d(lsm_y_indices_from_y, lsm_y_indices_from_x) lsm_x_indices = np.intersect1d(lsm_x_indices_from_y, lsm_x_indices_from_x) self.xslice = slice(np.amin(lsm_x_indices), np.amax(lsm_x_indices)+1) self.yslice = slice(np.amin(lsm_y_indices), np.amax(lsm_y_indices)+1) def _load_modeling_extent(self): """ # Get extent from GSSHA Grid in LSM coordinates # Determine range within LSM Grid """ #### # STEP 1: Get extent from GSSHA Grid in LSM coordinates #### # reproject GSSHA grid and get bounds min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = self.gssha_grid.bounds(as_projection=self.xd.lsm.projection) # set subset indices self._set_subset_indices(min_y, max_y, min_x, max_x) def _time_to_string(self, dt, conversion_string="%Y %m %d %H %M"): """ This converts a UTC time integer to a string """ if self.output_timezone is not None: dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=utc) \ .astimezone(self.output_timezone) return dt.strftime(conversion_string) def _load_lsm_data(self, data_var, conversion_factor=1, calc_4d_method=None, calc_4d_dim=None, time_step=None): """ This extracts the LSM data from a folder of netcdf files """ data = self.xd.lsm.getvar(data_var, yslice=self.yslice, xslice=self.xslice, calc_4d_method=calc_4d_method, calc_4d_dim=calc_4d_dim) if isinstance(time_step, datetime): data = data.loc[{self.lsm_time_dim: [pd.to_datetime(time_step)]}] elif time_step is not None: data = data[{self.lsm_time_dim: [time_step]}] data = data.fillna(0) data.values *= conversion_factor return data def _load_converted_gssha_data_from_lsm(self, gssha_var, lsm_var, load_type, time_step=None): """ This function loads data from LSM and converts to GSSHA format """ if 'radiation' in gssha_var: conversion_factor = self.netcdf_attributes[gssha_var]['conversion_factor'][load_type] if gssha_var.startswith('direct_radiation') and not isinstance(lsm_var, basestring): # direct_radiation = (1-DIFFUSIVE_FRACION)*global_radiation global_radiation_var, diffusive_fraction_var = lsm_var global_radiation = self._load_lsm_data(global_radiation_var, conversion_factor) diffusive_fraction = self._load_lsm_data(diffusive_fraction_var) if gssha_var.endswith("cc"): diffusive_fraction /= 100.0 = ((1-diffusive_fraction)*global_radiation) elif gssha_var.startswith('diffusive_radiation') and not isinstance(lsm_var, basestring): # diffusive_radiation = DIFFUSIVE_FRACION*global_radiation global_radiation_var, diffusive_fraction_var = lsm_var global_radiation = self._load_lsm_data(global_radiation_var, conversion_factor) diffusive_fraction = self._load_lsm_data(diffusive_fraction_var) if gssha_var.endswith("cc"): diffusive_fraction /= 100 = (diffusive_fraction*global_radiation) elif isinstance(lsm_var, basestring): = self._load_lsm_data(lsm_var, self.netcdf_attributes[gssha_var]['conversion_factor'][load_type]) else: raise ValueError("Invalid LSM variable ({0}) for GSSHA variable {1}".format(lsm_var, gssha_var)) elif gssha_var == 'relative_humidity' and not isinstance(lsm_var, str): ##CONVERSION ASSUMPTIONS: ##1) These equations are for liquid water and are less accurate below 0 deg C ##2) Not adjusting the pressure for the fact that the temperature ## and moisture measurements are given at 2 m AGL. ##Neither of these should have a significant impact on RH values ##given the uncertainty in the model values themselves. specific_humidity_var, pressure_var, temperature_var = lsm_var specific_humidity = self._load_lsm_data(specific_humidity_var) pressure = self._load_lsm_data(pressure_var) temperature = self._load_lsm_data(temperature_var) ##To compute the relative humidity at 2m, ##given T, Q (water vapor mixing ratio) at 2 m and PSFC (surface pressure): ##Es(saturation vapor pressure in Pa) ##Qs(saturation mixing ratio)=(0.622*es)/(PSFC-es) ##RH = 100*Q/Qs es = esat(temperature) = 100 * specific_humidity/((0.622*es)/(pressure-es)) elif gssha_var == 'relative_humidity_dew': # # temperature in Kelvin # RH = 100 * es(Td)/es(T) dew_point_temp_var, temperature_var = lsm_var dew_point_temp = self._load_lsm_data(dew_point_temp_var) temperature = self._load_lsm_data(temperature_var) = 100 * esat(dew_point_temp)/esat(temperature) elif gssha_var == 'wind_speed' and not isinstance(lsm_var, str): # WRF: u_vector_var, v_vector_var = lsm_var conversion_factor = self.netcdf_attributes[gssha_var]['conversion_factor'][load_type] u_vector = self._load_lsm_data(u_vector_var, conversion_factor) v_vector = self._load_lsm_data(v_vector_var, conversion_factor) = (xu.sqrt(u_vector**2 + v_vector**2)) elif 'precipitation' in gssha_var and not isinstance(lsm_var, str): # WRF: rain_c_var, rain_nc_var = lsm_var conversion_factor = self.netcdf_attributes[gssha_var]['conversion_factor'][load_type] rain_c = self._load_lsm_data(rain_c_var, conversion_factor) rain_nc = self._load_lsm_data(rain_nc_var, conversion_factor) = rain_c + rain_nc else: = self._load_lsm_data(lsm_var, self.netcdf_attributes[gssha_var]['conversion_factor'][load_type], self.netcdf_attributes[gssha_var].get('calc_4d_method'), self.netcdf_attributes[gssha_var].get('calc_4d_dim'), time_step=time_step) conversion_function = self.netcdf_attributes[gssha_var].get('conversion_function') if conversion_function: = self.netcdf_attributes[gssha_var]['conversion_function'][load_type]( if 'precipitation' in gssha_var: # NOTE: Precipitation is converted from mm/s to mm/hr # with the conversion factor when it is a rate. if 'units' in if['units'] == 'm': # convert from m to mm *= 1000 if load_type == 'ascii' or load_type == 'netcdf': # CONVERT TO INCREMENTAL if gssha_var == 'precipitation_acc': = np.lib.pad(, ((1, 0), (0, 0), (0, 0)), 'constant', constant_values=0) # CONVERT PRECIP TO RADAR (mm/hr) IN FILE if gssha_var == 'precipitation_inc' or gssha_var == 'precipitation_acc': # convert from mm to mm/hr time_step_hours = np.diff(self.xd[self.lsm_time_var].values)[0]/np.timedelta64(1, 'h') /= time_step_hours # convert to dataset gssha_data_var_name = self.netcdf_attributes[gssha_var]['gssha_name'] = { self.lsm_lon_dim: 'x', self.lsm_lat_dim: 'y', self.lsm_lon_var: 'lon', self.lsm_lat_var: 'lat' }, inplace=True ) = {'proj4': self.xd.lsm.projection.ExportToProj4()}[gssha_data_var_name].attrs = { 'standard_name': self.netcdf_attributes[gssha_var]['standard_name'], 'long_name': self.netcdf_attributes[gssha_var]['long_name'], 'units': self.netcdf_attributes[gssha_var]['units'][load_type], } def _check_lsm_input(self, data_var_map_array): """ This function checks the input var map array to ensure the required input variables exist """ REQUIRED_HMET_VAR_LIST = ['Prcp', 'Pres', 'Temp', 'Clod', 'RlHm', 'Drad', 'Grad', 'WndS'] # make sure all required variables exist given_hmet_var_list = [] for gssha_data_var, lsm_data_var in data_var_map_array: gssha_data_hmet_name = self.netcdf_attributes[gssha_data_var]['hmet_name'] if gssha_data_hmet_name in given_hmet_var_list: raise ValueError("Duplicate parameter for HMET variable {0}" .format(gssha_data_hmet_name)) else: given_hmet_var_list.append(gssha_data_hmet_name) for REQUIRED_HMET_VAR in REQUIRED_HMET_VAR_LIST: if REQUIRED_HMET_VAR not in given_hmet_var_list: raise ValueError("ERROR: HMET param is required to continue " "{0} ...".format(REQUIRED_HMET_VAR)) def _resample_data(self, gssha_var): """ This function resamples the data to match the GSSHA grid IN TESTING MODE """ =, self.gssha_grid) @staticmethod def _get_calc_function(gssha_data_var): """ This retrives the calc function to convert to hourly data for the various HMET parameters """ calc_function = 'mean' if gssha_data_var == 'precipitation_inc' or \ gssha_data_var == 'precipitation_acc': # acc computed as inc previously calc_function = 'sum' return calc_function def _convert_data_to_hourly(self, gssha_data_var): """ This function converts the data to hourly data and then puts it into the data_np_array USED WHEN GENERATING HMET DATA ONLY """ time_step_hours = np.diff([0]/np.timedelta64(1, 'h') calc_function = self._get_calc_function(gssha_data_var) resampled_data = None if time_step_hours < 1: resampled_data ='1H', dim='time', how=calc_function, keep_attrs=True) elif time_step_hours > 1: resampled_data ='1H', dim='time', keep_attrs=True) for time_idx in range(['time']): if time_idx+1 <['time']: # interpolate between time steps start_time =[time_idx].values end_time =[time_idx+1].values slope_timeslice = slice(str(start_time), str(end_time)) slice_size = resampled_data.sel(time=slope_timeslice).dims['time'] - 1 first_timestep = resampled_data.sel(time=str(start_time))[gssha_data_var] slope = (resampled_data.sel(time=str(end_time))[gssha_data_var] - first_timestep)/float(slice_size) data_timeslice = slice(str(start_time+np.timedelta64(1, 'm')), str(end_time-np.timedelta64(1, 'm'))) data_subset = resampled_data.sel(time=data_timeslice) for xidx in range(data_subset.dims['time']): data_subset[gssha_data_var][xidx] = first_timestep + slope * (xidx+1) else: # just continue to repeat the timestep start_time =[time_idx].values end_time = resampled_data.time[-1].values if end_time > start_time: first_timestep = resampled_data.sel(time=str(start_time))[gssha_data_var] data_timeslice = slice(str(start_time), str(end_time)) data_subset = resampled_data.sel(time=data_timeslice) slice_size = 1 if calc_function == "mean": slice_size = data_subset.dims['time'] for xidx in range(data_subset.dims['time']): data_subset[gssha_data_var][xidx] = first_timestep/float(slice_size) if resampled_data is not None: # make sure coordinates copied if not in resampled_data.coords: resampled_data.coords[] =[] if not in resampled_data.coords: resampled_data.coords[] =[] = resampled_data def lsm_var_to_grid(self, out_grid_file, lsm_data_var, gssha_convert_var, time_step=0, ascii_format='grass'): """This function takes array data and writes out a GSSHA ascii grid. Parameters: out_grid_file(str): Location of ASCII file to generate. lsm_data_var(str or list): This is the variable name for precipitation in the LSM files. gssha_convert_var(str): This is the name of the variable used in GRIDtoGSSHA to convert data with. time_step(Optional[int, datetime]): Time step in file to export data from. Default is the initial time step. ascii_format(Optional[str]): Default is 'grass' for GRASS ASCII. If you want Arc ASCII, use 'arc'. GRIDtoGSSHA Example: .. code:: python from gsshapy.grid import GRIDtoGSSHA # STEP 1: Initialize class g2g = GRIDtoGSSHA(gssha_project_folder='/path/to/gssha_project', gssha_project_file_name='gssha_project.prj', lsm_input_folder_path='/path/to/wrf-data', lsm_search_card='*.nc', lsm_lat_var='XLAT', lsm_lon_var='XLONG', lsm_time_var='Times', lsm_lat_dim='south_north', lsm_lon_dim='west_east', lsm_time_dim='Time', ) # STEP 2: Generate init snow grid (from LSM) # NOTE: Card is INIT_SWE_DEPTH g2g.lsm_var_to_grid(out_grid_file="E:/GSSHA/swe_grid.asc", lsm_data_var='SWE_inst', gssha_convert_var='swe') """ self._load_converted_gssha_data_from_lsm(gssha_convert_var, lsm_data_var, 'grid', time_step) gssha_data_var_name = self.netcdf_attributes[gssha_convert_var]['gssha_name'] =, projection=self.gssha_grid.projection) self._resample_data(gssha_data_var_name) arr_grid = ArrayGrid([gssha_data_var_name].values,, if ascii_format.strip().lower() == 'grass': arr_grid.to_grass_ascii(out_grid_file) elif ascii_format.strip().lower() == 'arc': arr_grid.to_arc_ascii(out_grid_file) else: raise ValueError("Invalid argument for 'ascii_format'. Only 'grass' or 'arc' allowed.")
[docs] def lsm_precip_to_gssha_precip_gage(self, out_gage_file, lsm_data_var, precip_type="RADAR"): """This function takes array data and writes out a GSSHA precip gage file. See: .. note:: GSSHA CARDS: * PRECIP_FILE card with path to gage file * RAIN_INV_DISTANCE or RAIN_THIESSEN Parameters: out_gage_file(str): Location of gage file to generate. lsm_data_var(str or list): This is the variable name for precipitation in the LSM files. If there is a string, it assumes a single variable. If it is a list, then it assumes the first element is the variable name for RAINC and the second is for RAINNC (see: precip_type(Optional[str]): This tells if the data is the ACCUM, RADAR, or GAGES data type. Default is 'RADAR'. GRIDtoGSSHA Example: .. code:: python from gsshapy.grid import GRIDtoGSSHA #STEP 1: Initialize class g2g = GRIDtoGSSHA(gssha_project_folder='/path/to/gssha_project', gssha_project_file_name='gssha_project.prj', lsm_input_folder_path='/path/to/wrf-data', lsm_search_card='*.nc', lsm_lat_var='XLAT', lsm_lon_var='XLONG', lsm_time_var='Times', lsm_lat_dim='south_north', lsm_lon_dim='west_east', lsm_time_dim='Time', ) #STEP 2: Generate GAGE data (from WRF) g2g.lsm_precip_to_gssha_precip_gage(out_gage_file="E:/GSSHA/wrf_gage_1.gag", lsm_data_var=['RAINC', 'RAINNC'], precip_type='ACCUM') HRRRtoGSSHA Example: .. code:: python from gsshapy.grid import HRRRtoGSSHA #STEP 1: Initialize class h2g = HRRRtoGSSHA( #YOUR INIT PARAMETERS HERE ) #STEP 2: Generate GAGE data g2g.lsm_precip_to_gssha_precip_gage(out_gage_file="E:/GSSHA/hrrr_gage_1.gag", lsm_data_var='prate', precip_type='RADAR') """ VALID_TYPES = ["ACCUM", "RADAR", "GAGES"] #NOTE: "RATES" currently not supported if precip_type not in VALID_TYPES: raise ValueError("ERROR: {0} is not a valid type. Valid types include: {1}".format(type, VALID_TYPES)) gssha_precip_type = "precipitation_inc" if precip_type == "ACCUM": gssha_precip_type = "precipitation_acc" elif precip_type == "RADAR": gssha_precip_type = "precipitation_rate" self._load_converted_gssha_data_from_lsm(gssha_precip_type, lsm_data_var, 'gage') gssha_data_var_name = self.netcdf_attributes[gssha_precip_type]['gssha_name'] =, projection=self.gssha_grid.projection) #LOOP THROUGH TIME with io_open(out_gage_file, 'w') as gage_file: if['time']>1: gage_file.write(u"EVENT \"Event of {0} to {1}\"\n".format(self._time_to_string([0]), self._time_to_string([-1]))) else: gage_file.write(u"EVENT \"Event of {0}\"\n".format(self._time_to_string([0]))) gage_file.write(u"NRPDS {0}\n".format(['time'])) gage_file.write(u"NRGAG {0}\n".format(['x']*['y'])) y_coords, x_coords = for y_idx in range(['y']): for x_idx in range(['x']): coord_idx = y_idx*['x'] + x_idx gage_file.write(u"COORD {0} {1} \"center of pixel #{2}\"\n".format(x_coords[y_idx, x_idx], y_coords[y_idx, x_idx], coord_idx)) for time_idx in range(['time']): date_str = self._time_to_string([time_idx]) data_str = " ".join([gssha_data_var_name][time_idx].values.ravel().astype(str)) gage_file.write(u"{0} {1} {2}\n".format(precip_type, date_str, data_str))
def _write_hmet_card_file(self, hmet_card_file_path, main_output_folder): """ This function writes the HMET_ASCII card file with ASCII file list for input to GSSHA """ with io_open(hmet_card_file_path, 'w') as out_hmet_list_file: for hour_time in date_str = self._time_to_string(hour_time, "%Y%m%d%H") out_hmet_list_file.write(u"{0}\n".format(path.join(main_output_folder, date_str)))
[docs] def lsm_data_to_arc_ascii(self, data_var_map_array, main_output_folder=""): """Writes extracted data to Arc ASCII file format into folder to be read in by GSSHA. Also generates the HMET_ASCII card file for GSSHA in the folder named 'hmet_file_list.txt'. .. warning:: For GSSHA 6 Versions, for GSSHA 7 or greater, use lsm_data_to_subset_netcdf. .. note:: GSSHA CARDS: * HMET_ASCII pointing to the hmet_file_list.txt * LONG_TERM (see: Parameters: data_var_map_array(list): Array to map the variables in the LSM file to the matching required GSSHA data. main_output_folder(Optional[str]): This is the path to place the generated ASCII files. If not included, it defaults to os.path.join(self.gssha_project_folder, "hmet_ascii_data"). GRIDtoGSSHA Example: .. code:: python from gsshapy.grid import GRIDtoGSSHA #STEP 1: Initialize class g2g = GRIDtoGSSHA(gssha_project_folder='/path/to/gssha_project', gssha_project_file_name='gssha_project.prj', lsm_input_folder_path='/path/to/wrf-data', lsm_search_card='*.nc', lsm_lat_var='XLAT', lsm_lon_var='XLONG', lsm_time_var='Times', lsm_lat_dim='south_north', lsm_lon_dim='west_east', lsm_time_dim='Time', ) #STEP 2: Generate ASCII DATA #SEE: #EXAMPLE DATA ARRAY 1: WRF GRID DATA BASED data_var_map_array = [ ['precipitation_acc', ['RAINC', 'RAINNC']], ['pressure', 'PSFC'], ['relative_humidity', ['Q2', 'PSFC', 'T2']], #MUST BE IN ORDER: ['SPECIFIC HUMIDITY', 'PRESSURE', 'TEMPERATURE'] ['wind_speed', ['U10', 'V10']], #['U_VELOCITY', 'V_VELOCITY'] ['direct_radiation', ['SWDOWN', 'DIFFUSE_FRAC']], #MUST BE IN ORDER: ['GLOBAL RADIATION', 'DIFFUSIVE FRACTION'] ['diffusive_radiation', ['SWDOWN', 'DIFFUSE_FRAC']], #MUST BE IN ORDER: ['GLOBAL RADIATION', 'DIFFUSIVE FRACTION'] ['temperature', 'T2'], ['cloud_cover' , 'CLDFRA'], #'CLOUD_FRACTION' ] g2g.lsm_data_to_arc_ascii(data_var_map_array) HRRRtoGSSHA Example: .. code:: python from gsshapy.grid import HRRRtoGSSHA #STEP 1: Initialize class h2g = HRRRtoGSSHA( #YOUR INIT PARAMETERS HERE ) #STEP 2: Generate ASCII DATA #EXAMPLE DATA ARRAY 1: HRRR GRID DATA BASED data_var_map_array = [ ['precipitation_rate', 'prate'], ['pressure', 'sp'], ['relative_humidity', '2r'], ['wind_speed', ['10u', '10v']], ['direct_radiation_cc', ['dswrf', 'tcc']], ['diffusive_radiation_cc', ['dswrf', 'tcc']], ['temperature', 't'], ['cloud_cover_pc' , 'tcc'], ] h2g.lsm_data_to_arc_ascii(data_var_map_array) """ self._check_lsm_input(data_var_map_array) if not main_output_folder: main_output_folder = path.join(self.gssha_project_folder, "hmet_ascii_data") try: mkdir(main_output_folder) except OSError: pass"Outputting HMET data to {0}".format(main_output_folder)) #PART 2: DATA for data_var_map in data_var_map_array: gssha_data_var, lsm_data_var = data_var_map gssha_data_hmet_name = self.netcdf_attributes[gssha_data_var]['hmet_name'] gssha_data_var_name = self.netcdf_attributes[gssha_data_var]['gssha_name'] self._load_converted_gssha_data_from_lsm(gssha_data_var, lsm_data_var, 'ascii') self._convert_data_to_hourly(gssha_data_var_name) =, projection=self.gssha_grid.projection) for time_idx in range(['time']): arr_grid = ArrayGrid([gssha_data_var_name][time_idx].values,,, nodata_value=-9999) date_str = self._time_to_string([time_idx], "%Y%m%d%H") ascii_file_path = path.join(main_output_folder, "{0}_{1}.asc".format(date_str, gssha_data_hmet_name)) arr_grid.to_arc_ascii(ascii_file_path) #PART 3: HMET_ASCII card input file with ASCII file list hmet_card_file_path = path.join(main_output_folder, 'hmet_file_list.txt') self._write_hmet_card_file(hmet_card_file_path, main_output_folder)
[docs] def lsm_data_to_subset_netcdf(self, netcdf_file_path, data_var_map_array, resample_method=None): """Writes extracted data to the NetCDF file format .. todo:: NetCDF output data time is always in UTC time. Need to convert to local timezone for GSSHA. .. warning:: The NetCDF GSSHA file is only supported in GSSHA 7 or greater. .. note:: GSSHA CARDS: * HMET_NETCDF pointing to the netcdf_file_path * LONG_TERM (see: Parameters: netcdf_file_path(string): Path to output the NetCDF file for GSSHA. data_var_map_array(list): Array to map the variables in the LSM file to the matching required GSSHA data. resample_method(Optional[gdalconst]): Resample input method to match hmet data to GSSHA grid for NetCDF output. Default is None. GRIDtoGSSHA Example: .. code:: python from gsshapy.grid import GRIDtoGSSHA #STEP 1: Initialize class g2g = GRIDtoGSSHA(gssha_project_folder='/path/to/gssha_project', gssha_project_file_name='gssha_project.prj', lsm_input_folder_path='/path/to/wrf-data', lsm_search_card='*.nc', lsm_lat_var='XLAT', lsm_lon_var='XLONG', lsm_time_var='Times', lsm_lat_dim='south_north', lsm_lon_dim='west_east', lsm_time_dim='Time', ) #STEP 2: Generate NetCDF DATA #EXAMPLE DATA ARRAY 1: WRF GRID DATA BASED #SEE: data_var_map_array = [ ['precipitation_acc', ['RAINC', 'RAINNC']], ['pressure', 'PSFC'], ['relative_humidity', ['Q2', 'PSFC', 'T2']], #MUST BE IN ORDER: ['SPECIFIC HUMIDITY', 'PRESSURE', 'TEMPERATURE'] ['wind_speed', ['U10', 'V10']], #['U_VELOCITY', 'V_VELOCITY'] ['direct_radiation', ['SWDOWN', 'DIFFUSE_FRAC']], #MUST BE IN ORDER: ['GLOBAL RADIATION', 'DIFFUSIVE FRACTION'] ['diffusive_radiation', ['SWDOWN', 'DIFFUSE_FRAC']], #MUST BE IN ORDER: ['GLOBAL RADIATION', 'DIFFUSIVE FRACTION'] ['temperature', 'T2'], ['cloud_cover' , 'CLDFRA'], #'CLOUD_FRACTION' ] g2g.lsm_data_to_subset_netcdf("E/GSSHA/", data_var_map_array) HRRRtoGSSHA Example: .. code:: python from gsshapy.grid import HRRRtoGSSHA #STEP 1: Initialize class h2g = HRRRtoGSSHA( #YOUR INIT PARAMETERS HERE ) #STEP 2: Generate NetCDF DATA #EXAMPLE DATA ARRAY 2: HRRR GRID DATA BASED data_var_map_array = [ ['precipitation_rate', 'prate'], ['pressure', 'sp'], ['relative_humidity', '2r'], ['wind_speed', ['10u', '10v']], ['direct_radiation_cc', ['dswrf', 'tcc']], ['diffusive_radiation_cc', ['dswrf', 'tcc']], ['temperature', 't'], ['cloud_cover_pc' , 'tcc'], ] h2g.lsm_data_to_subset_netcdf("E:/GSSHA/", data_var_map_array) """ self._check_lsm_input(data_var_map_array) output_datasets = [] #DATA for gssha_var, lsm_var in data_var_map_array: if gssha_var in self.netcdf_attributes: self._load_converted_gssha_data_from_lsm(gssha_var, lsm_var, 'netcdf') #previously just added data, but needs to be hourly gssha_data_var_name = self.netcdf_attributes[gssha_var]['gssha_name'] self._convert_data_to_hourly(gssha_data_var_name) if resample_method: self._resample_data(gssha_data_var_name) else: =, projection=self.gssha_grid.projection) output_datasets.append( else: raise ValueError("Invalid GSSHA variable name: {0} ...".format(gssha_var)) output_dataset = xr.merge(output_datasets) #add global attributes output_dataset.attrs['Convention'] = 'CF-1.6' output_dataset.attrs['title'] = 'GSSHA LSM Input' output_dataset.attrs['history'] = 'date_created: {0}'.format(datetime.utcnow()) output_dataset.attrs['proj4'] =['proj4'] output_dataset.attrs['geotransform'] =['geotransform'] output_dataset.to_netcdf(netcdf_file_path)