Source code for gsshapy.grid.nwm_to_gssha

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  GSSHApy
#  Created by Alan D Snow, 2016.
#  License BSD 3-Clause

import logging
from datetime import timedelta
from os import mkdir, path, remove, rename
import xarray as xr

from .grid_to_gssha import GRIDtoGSSHA

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

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[docs]class NWMtoGSSHA(GRIDtoGSSHA): """This class converts the National Water Model output data to GSSHA formatted input. This class inherits from class:`GRIDtoGSSHA`. Attributes: gssha_project_folder(:obj:`str`): Path to the GSSHA project folder gssha_project_file_name(:obj:`str`): Name of the GSSHA elevation grid file. lsm_input_folder_path(:obj:`str`): Path to the input folder for the LSM files. lsm_search_card(:obj:`str`): Glob search pattern for LSM files. Ex. "*.grib2". lsm_lat_var(Optional[:obj:`str`]): Name of the latitude variable in the LSM netCDF files. Defaults to 'lat'. lsm_lon_var(Optional[:obj:`str`]): Name of the longitude variable in the LSM netCDF files. Defaults to 'lon'. lsm_time_var(Optional[:obj:`str`]): Name of the time variable in the LSM netCDF files. Defaults to 'time'. lsm_lat_dim(Optional[:obj:`str`]): Name of the latitude dimension in the LSM netCDF files. Defaults to 'lat'. lsm_lon_dim(Optional[:obj:`str`]): Name of the longitude dimension in the LSM netCDF files. Defaults to 'lon'. lsm_time_dim(Optional[:obj:`str`]): Name of the time dimension in the LSM netCDF files. Defaults to 'time'. output_timezone(Optional[:obj:`tzinfo`]): This is the timezone to output the dates for the data. Default is he GSSHA model timezone. This option does NOT currently work for NetCDF output. Example:: from datetime import datetime from gsshapy.grid import NWMtoGSSHA n2g = NWMtoGSSHA(gssha_project_folder='E:\\GSSHA', gssha_project_file_name='gssha.prj', lsm_input_folder_path='E:\\GSSHA\\nwm-data', lsm_search_card="*.grib") # example rain gage out_gage_file = 'E:\\GSSHA\\nwm_rain1.gag' n2g.lsm_precip_to_gssha_precip_gage(out_gage_file, lsm_data_var="RAINRATE", precip_type="RADAR") # example data var map array # WARNING: This is not complete data_var_map_array = [ ['precipitation_rate', 'RAINRATE'], ['pressure', 'PSFC'], ['relative_humidity', ['Q2D','T2D', 'PSFC']], ['wind_speed', ['U2D', 'V2D']], ['direct_radiation', 'SWDOWN'], # ??? ['diffusive_radiation', 'SWDOWN'], # ??? ['temperature', 'T2D'], ['cloud_cover', '????'], ] e2g.lsm_data_to_arc_ascii(data_var_map_array) """ def __init__(self, gssha_project_folder, gssha_project_file_name, lsm_input_folder_path, lsm_search_card="*.nc", lsm_lat_var='y', lsm_lon_var='x', lsm_time_var='time', lsm_lat_dim='y', lsm_lon_dim='x', lsm_time_dim='time', output_timezone=None, ): """ Initializer function for the NWMtoGSSHA class """ super(NWMtoGSSHA, self).__init__(gssha_project_folder, gssha_project_file_name, lsm_input_folder_path, lsm_search_card, lsm_lat_var, lsm_lon_var, lsm_time_var, lsm_lat_dim, lsm_lon_dim, lsm_time_dim, output_timezone) @property def xd(self): """get xarray dataset file handle to LSM files""" if self._xd is None: path_to_lsm_files = path.join(self.lsm_input_folder_path, self.lsm_search_card) self._xd = super(NWMtoGSSHA, self).xd self._xd.lsm.coords_projected = True return self._xd def _load_converted_gssha_data_from_lsm(self, gssha_var, lsm_var, load_type): """ This function loads data from LSM and converts to GSSHA format """ super(NWMtoGSSHA, self).\ _load_converted_gssha_data_from_lsm(gssha_var, lsm_var, load_type) = True