Source code for gsshapy.orm.hmet

* Name: HydrometeorologicalModel
* Author: Nathan Swain
* Created On: May 14, 2013
* Copyright: (c) Brigham Young University 2013
* License: BSD 2-Clause
from __future__ import unicode_literals

__all__ = ['HmetFile', 'HmetRecord']

from datetime import datetime

from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey, Column
from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, Float, DateTime, String
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship

from . import DeclarativeBase
from ..base.file_base import GsshaPyFileObjectBase

[docs]class HmetFile(DeclarativeBase, GsshaPyFileObjectBase): """ Object interface for the Hydrometeorological Input Files (HMET Files). An HMET file contains time series hydrometeorological parameters that are required to perform long term simulations. GSSHAPY currently only supports the HMET WES file format. See: """ __tablename__ = 'hmet_files' tableName = __tablename__ #: Database tablename # Primary and Foreign Keys id = Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True) #: PK # Value Columns fileExtension = Column(String, default='txt') #: STRING # Relationship Properties hmetRecords = relationship('HmetRecord', back_populates='hmetFile') #: RELATIONSHIP projectFile = relationship('ProjectFile', uselist=False, back_populates='hmetFile') #: RELATIONSHIP def __init__(self): """ Constructor """ GsshaPyFileObjectBase.__init__(self) def __repr__(self): return '<HmetFile: NumRecords=%s>' % (len(self.hmetRecords)) def _read(self, directory, filename, session, path, name, extension, spatial, spatialReferenceID, replaceParamFile): """ Read HMET WES from File Method """ # Set file extension property self.fileExtension = extension # Open file and parse into HmetRecords with open(path, 'r') as hmetFile: for line in hmetFile: sline = line.strip().split() try: # Extract data time from record dateTime = datetime(int(sline[0]), int(sline[1]), int(sline[2]), int(sline[3])) # Intitialize GSSHAPY HmetRecord object hmetRecord = HmetRecord(hmetDateTime=dateTime, barometricPress=sline[4], relHumidity=sline[5], totalSkyCover=sline[6], windSpeed=sline[7], dryBulbTemp=sline[8], directRad=sline[9], globalRad=sline[10]) # Associate HmetRecord with HmetFile hmetRecord.hmetFile = self except: pass def _write(self, session, openFile, replaceParamFile): """ Write HMET WES to File Method """ ## TODO: Ensure Other HMET Formats are supported hmetRecords = self.hmetRecords for record in hmetRecords: openFile.write('%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%.3f\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%.2f\t%.2f\n' % ( record.hmetDateTime.year, record.hmetDateTime.month,, record.hmetDateTime.hour, record.barometricPress, record.relHumidity, record.totalSkyCover, record.windSpeed, record.dryBulbTemp, record.directRad, record.globalRad))
[docs]class HmetRecord(DeclarativeBase): """ Object containing data for a single record in an HMET file. """ __tablename__ = 'hmet_records' tableName = __tablename__ #: Database tablename # Primary and Foreign Keys id = Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True) #: PK hmetConfigID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) #: INTEGER # Value Columns hmetDateTime = Column(DateTime) #: DATETIME barometricPress = Column(Float) #: FLOAT relHumidity = Column(Integer) #: INTEGER totalSkyCover = Column(Integer) #: INTEGER windSpeed = Column(Integer) #: INTEGER dryBulbTemp = Column(Integer) #: INTEGER directRad = Column(Float) #: FLOAT globalRad = Column(Float) #: FLOAT # Relationship Properties hmetFile = relationship('HmetFile', back_populates='hmetRecords') #: RELATIONSHIP def __init__(self, hmetDateTime, barometricPress, relHumidity, totalSkyCover, windSpeed, dryBulbTemp, directRad, globalRad): """ Constructor """ self.hmetDateTime = hmetDateTime self.barometricPress = barometricPress self.relHumidity = relHumidity self.totalSkyCover = totalSkyCover self.windSpeed = windSpeed self.dryBulbTemp = dryBulbTemp self.directRad = directRad self.globalRad = globalRad def __repr__(self): return '<HmetRecord: DateTime=%s, BarometricPressure=%s, RelHumidity=%s, TotalSkyCover=%s, WindSpeed=%s, DryBulbTemp=%s, DirectRad=%s, GlobalRad=%s>' % ( self.hmetDateTime, self.barometricPress, self.relHumidity, self.totalSkyCover, self.windSpeed, self.dryBulbTemp, self.directRad, self.globalRad)