Source code for gsshapy.orm.prj

* Name: ProjectFileModel
* Author: Nathan Swain
* Created On: Mar 18, 2013
* Copyright: (c) Brigham Young University 2013
* License: BSD 2-Clause
from __future__ import unicode_literals

__all__ = ['ProjectFile',

import json
import logging
import os
import re
import sys
import uuid

import numpy as np
from osgeo import ogr, osr
from pyproj import Proj, transform
from pytz import timezone
from shapely.wkb import loads as shapely_loads
import shlex
from gazar.grid import GDALGrid
from timezonefinder import TimezoneFinder
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey, Column
from sqlalchemy.types import Integer, String
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound, MultipleResultsFound

from . import DeclarativeBase
from ..base.file_base import GsshaPyFileObjectBase
from .file_io import *
from ..lib.check_geometry import check_watershed_boundary_geometry
from ..util.context import tmp_chdir

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class ProjectFile(DeclarativeBase, GsshaPyFileObjectBase): """ Object interface for the Project File. The project file is the main configuration file for GSSHA models. As such, the project file object is different than most of the other file objects. In addition to providing read and write methods for the project file, a project file instance also provides methods for reading and writing the GSSHA project as a whole. These methods should be the primary interface for working with GSSHA models. The project file is composed of a series of cards and values. Each card in the project file is read into a supporting object: :class:`.ProjectCard`. See: """ __tablename__ = 'prj_project_files' tableName = __tablename__ #: Database tablename # Primary and Foreign Keys id = Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True) #: PK precipFileID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) #: FK mapTableFileID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) #: FK channelInputFileID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) #: FK stormPipeNetworkFileID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) #: FK hmetFileID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) #: FK nwsrfsFileID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) #: FK orographicGageFileID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) #: FK gridPipeFileID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) #: FK gridStreamFileID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) #: FK projectionFileID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) #: FK replaceParamFileID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) #: FK replaceValFileID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) #: FK # Value Columns srid = Column(Integer) #: SRID name = Column(String, nullable=False) #: STRING mapType = Column(Integer, nullable=False) #: INTEGER fileExtension = Column(String, default='prj') #: STRING project_directory = Column(String) # Relationship Properties projectCards = relationship('ProjectCard', back_populates='projectFile') #: RELATIONSHIP # Unique File Relationship Properties mapTableFile = relationship('MapTableFile', back_populates='projectFile') #: RELATIONSHIP channelInputFile = relationship('ChannelInputFile', back_populates='projectFile') #: RELATIONSHIP precipFile = relationship('PrecipFile', back_populates='projectFile') #: RELATIONSHIP stormPipeNetworkFile = relationship('StormPipeNetworkFile', back_populates='projectFile') #: RELATIONSHIP hmetFile = relationship('HmetFile', back_populates='projectFile') #: RELATIONSHIP nwsrfsFile = relationship('NwsrfsFile', back_populates='projectFile') #: RELATIONSHIP orographicGageFile = relationship('OrographicGageFile', back_populates='projectFile') #: RELATIONSHIP gridPipeFile = relationship('GridPipeFile', back_populates='projectFile') #: RELATIONSHIP gridStreamFile = relationship('GridStreamFile', back_populates='projectFile') #: RELATIONSHIP projectionFile = relationship('ProjectionFile', back_populates='projectFile') #: RELATIONSHIP replaceParamFile = relationship('ReplaceParamFile', back_populates='projectFile') #: RELATIONSHIP replaceValFile = relationship('ReplaceValFile', back_populates='projectFile') #: RELATIONSHIP # Collection File Relationship Properties timeSeriesFiles = relationship('TimeSeriesFile', back_populates='projectFile') #: RELATIONSHIP outputLocationFiles = relationship('OutputLocationFile', back_populates='projectFile') #: RELATIONSHIP maps = relationship('RasterMapFile', back_populates='projectFile') #: RELATIONSHIP linkNodeDatasets = relationship('LinkNodeDatasetFile', back_populates='projectFile') #: RELATIONSHIP genericFiles = relationship('GenericFile', back_populates='projectFile') #: RELATIONSHIP wmsDatasets = relationship('WMSDatasetFile', back_populates='projectFile') #: RELATIONSHIP projectFileEventManager = relationship('ProjectFileEventManager', uselist=False) #: RELATIONSHIP # File Properties MAP_TYPES_SUPPORTED = (1,) ALWAYS_READ_AND_WRITE_MAPS = ('ele', 'msk') OUTPUT_DIRECTORIES_SUPPORTED = ('REPLACE_FOLDER',) INPUT_FILES = {'#PROJECTION_FILE': ProjectionFile, # WMS '#CHANNEL_POINT_INPUT_WMS': GenericFile, 'MAPPING_TABLE': MapTableFile, # Mapping Table 'ST_MAPPING_TABLE': GenericFile, 'PRECIP_FILE': PrecipFile, # Precipitation 'CHANNEL_INPUT': ChannelInputFile, # Channel Routing 'STREAM_CELL': GridStreamFile, 'SECTION_TABLE': GenericFile, 'SOIL_LAYER_INPUT_FILE': GenericFile, # Infiltration 'IN_THETA_LOCATION': OutputLocationFile, 'EXPLIC_HOTSTART': GenericFile, 'READ_CHAN_HOTSTART': GenericFile, 'CHAN_POINT_INPUT': GenericFile, 'IN_HYD_LOCATION': OutputLocationFile, 'IN_SED_LOC': OutputLocationFile, 'IN_GWFLUX_LOCATION': OutputLocationFile, 'HMET_SURFAWAYS': GenericFile, # Continuous Simulation 'HMET_SAMSON': GenericFile, ## TODO: Create support in HmetFile for these formats 'HMET_WES': HmetFile, 'NWSRFS_ELEV_SNOW': NwsrfsFile, 'HMET_OROG_GAGES': OrographicGageFile, 'HMET_ASCII': GenericFile, 'GW_FLUXBOUNDTABLE': GenericFile, # Saturated Groundwater Flow 'STORM_SEWER': StormPipeNetworkFile, # Subsurface Drainage 'GRID_PIPE': GridPipeFile, 'SUPER_LINK_JUNC_LOCATION': GenericFile, 'SUPERLINK_NODE_LOCATION': GenericFile, 'OVERLAND_DEPTH_LOCATION': OutputLocationFile, # Overland Flow (Other Output) 'OVERLAND_WSE_LOCATION': OutputLocationFile, 'OUT_WELL_LOCATION': OutputLocationFile, 'SIMULATION_INPUT': GenericFile, '#GSSHAPY_EVENT_YML': ProjectFileEventManager, } INPUT_MAPS = ('ELEVATION', # Required Inputs 'WATERSHED_MASK', 'ROUGHNESS', # Overland Flow 'RETEN_DEPTH', 'READ_OV_HOTSTART', 'STORAGE_CAPACITY', # Interception 'INTERCEPTION_COEFF', 'CONDUCTIVITY', # Infiltration 'CAPILLARY', 'POROSITY', 'MOISTURE', 'PORE_INDEX', 'RESIDUAL_SAT', 'FIELD_CAPACITY', 'SOIL_TYPE_MAP', 'WATER_TABLE', 'READ_SM_HOTSTART', 'ALBEDO', # Continuous Simulation 'WILTING_POINT', 'TCOEFF', 'VHEIGHT', 'CANOPY', 'INIT_SWE_DEPTH', 'WATER_TABLE', # Saturated Groudwater Flow 'AQUIFER_BOTTOM', 'GW_BOUNDFILE', 'GW_POROSITY_MAP', 'GW_HYCOND_MAP', 'EMBANKMENT', # Embankment Structures 'DIKE_MASK', 'WETLAND', # Wetlands 'CONTAM_MAP') # Constituent Transport OUTPUT_FILES = {'SUMMARY': GenericFile, # Required Output 'OUTLET_HYDRO': TimeSeriesFile, 'OUT_THETA_LOCATION': TimeSeriesFile, # Infiltration 'EXPLIC_BACKWATER': GenericFile, # Channel Routing 'WRITE_CHAN_HOTSTART': GenericFile, 'OUT_HYD_LOCATION': TimeSeriesFile, 'OUT_DEP_LOCATION': TimeSeriesFile, 'OUT_SED_LOC': TimeSeriesFile, 'CHAN_DEPTH': LinkNodeDatasetFile, 'CHAN_STAGE': LinkNodeDatasetFile, 'CHAN_DISCHARGE': LinkNodeDatasetFile, 'CHAN_VELOCITY': LinkNodeDatasetFile, 'LAKE_OUTPUT': GenericFile, 'FLOOD_STREAM': LinkNodeDatasetFile, 'GW_WELL_LEVEL': GenericFile, # Saturated Groundwater Flow 'OUT_GWFULX_LOCATION': TimeSeriesFile, 'OUTLET_SED_FLUX': TimeSeriesFile, # Soil Erosion 'ADJUST_ELEV': GenericFile, 'OUTLET_SED_TSS': TimeSeriesFile, 'OUT_TSS_LOC': TimeSeriesFile, 'NET_SED_VOLUME': GenericFile, 'VOL_SED_SUSP': GenericFile, 'MAX_SED_FLUX': LinkNodeDatasetFile, 'OUT_CON_LOCATION': TimeSeriesFile, # Constituent Transport 'OUT_MASS_LOCATION': TimeSeriesFile, 'SUPERLINK_JUNC_FLOW': TimeSeriesFile, # Subsurface Drainage 'SUPERLINK_NODE_FLOW': TimeSeriesFile, 'OVERLAND_DEPTHS': TimeSeriesFile, 'OVERLAND_WSE': TimeSeriesFile, 'OPTIMIZE': GenericFile} WMS_DATASETS = ('DEPTH', 'SNOW_SWE_FILE', 'DISCHARGE', 'INF_DEPTH', 'SURF_MOIS', 'RATE_OF_INFIL', 'DIS_RAIN', 'GW_OUTPUT', 'GW_RECHARGE_CUM', 'GW_RECHARGE_INC', 'FLOOD_GRID') # Error Messages COMMIT_ERROR_MESSAGE = ('Ensure the files listed in the project file ' 'are not empty and try again.') def __init__(self, name=None, map_type=None, project_directory=None): GsshaPyFileObjectBase.__init__(self) self.fileExtension = 'prj' if name is not None: = name if map_type is not None: self.mapType = map_type self.setCard(name='MAP_TYPE', value=str(map_type)) self.project_directory = project_directory # object Properties self._tz = None # grid timezone def _read(self, directory, filename, session, path, name, extension, spatial, spatialReferenceID, replaceParamFile, force_relative=True): """ Project File Read from File Method """ self.project_directory = directory with tmp_chdir(directory): # Headers to ignore HEADERS = ('GSSHAPROJECT',) # WMS Cards to include (don't discount as comments) WMS_CARDS = ('#INDEXGRID_GUID', '#PROJECTION_FILE', '#LandSoil', '#CHANNEL_POINT_INPUT_WMS') GSSHAPY_CARDS = ('#GSSHAPY_EVENT_YML', ) with open(path, 'r') as f: for line in f: if not line.strip(): # Skip empty lines continue elif '#' in line.split()[0] and line.split()[0] \ not in WMS_CARDS + GSSHAPY_CARDS: # Skip comments designated by the hash symbol # (with the exception of WMS_CARDS and GSSHAPY_CARDS) continue try: card = self._extractCard(line, force_relative) except: card = self._extractDirectoryCard(line, force_relative) # Now that the cardName and cardValue are separated # load them into the gsshapy objects if card['name'] not in HEADERS: # Create GSSHAPY Project Card object prjCard = ProjectCard(name=card['name'], value=card['value']) # Associate ProjectCard with ProjectFile prjCard.projectFile = self # Extract MAP_TYPE card value for convenience working # with output maps if card['name'] == 'MAP_TYPE': self.mapType = int(card['value']) # Assign properties self.srid = spatialReferenceID = name self.fileExtension = extension def _write(self, session, openFile, replaceParamFile): """ Project File Write to File Method """ # Enforce cards that must be written in certain order PRIORITY_CARDS = ('WMS', 'MASK_WATERSHED', 'REPLACE_LINE', 'REPLACE_PARAMS', 'REPLACE_VALS', 'REPLACE_FOLDER') filename = os.path.split([1] name = filename.split('.')[0] # Write lines openFile.write('GSSHAPROJECT\n') # Write priority lines for card_key in PRIORITY_CARDS: card = self.getCard(card_key) # Write the card if card is not None: openFile.write(card.write(, newPrefix=name)) # Initiate write on each ProjectCard that belongs to this ProjectFile for card in self.projectCards: if not in PRIORITY_CARDS: openFile.write(card.write(, newPrefix=name))
[docs] def appendDirectory(self, directory, projectFilePath): """ Append directory to relative paths in project file. By default, the project file paths are read and written as relative paths. Use this method to prepend a directory to all the paths in the project file. Args: directory (str): Directory path to prepend to file paths in project file. projectFilePath (str): Path to project file that will be modified. """ lines = [] with open(projectFilePath, 'r') as original: for l in original: lines.append(l) with open(projectFilePath, 'w') as new: for line in lines: card = {} try: card = self._extractCard(line) except: card = self._extractDirectoryCard(line) # Determine number of spaces between card and value for nice alignment numSpaces = max(2, 25 - len(card['name'])) if card['value'] is None: rewriteLine = '%s\n' % (card['name']) else: if card['name'] == 'WMS': rewriteLine = '%s %s\n' % (card['name'], card['value']) elif card['name'] == 'PROJECT_PATH': filePath = '"%s"' % os.path.normpath(directory) rewriteLine = '%s%s%s\n' % (card['name'], ' ' * numSpaces, filePath) elif '"' in card['value']: filename = card['value'].strip('"') filePath = '"%s"' % os.path.join(directory, filename) rewriteLine = '%s%s%s\n' % (card['name'], ' ' * numSpaces, filePath) else: rewriteLine = '%s%s%s\n' % (card['name'], ' ' * numSpaces, card['value']) new.write(rewriteLine)
[docs] def readProject(self, directory, projectFileName, session, spatial=False, spatialReferenceID=None): """ Read all files for a GSSHA project into the database. This method will read all the files, both input and output files, that are supported by GsshaPy into a database. To use GsshaPy more efficiently, it is recommended that you use the readInput method when performing pre-processing tasks and readOutput when performing post-processing tasks. Args: directory (str): Directory containing all GSSHA model files. This method assumes that all files are located in the same directory. projectFileName (str): Name of the project file for the GSSHA model which will be read (e.g.: 'example.prj'). session (:mod:`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session`): SQLAlchemy session object bound to PostGIS enabled database spatial (bool, optional): If True, spatially enabled objects will be read in as PostGIS spatial objects. Defaults to False. spatialReferenceID (int, optional): Integer id of spatial reference system for the model. If no id is provided GsshaPy will attempt to automatically lookup the spatial reference ID. If this process fails, default srid will be used (4326 for WGS 84). """ self.project_directory = directory with tmp_chdir(directory): # Add project file to session session.add(self) # First read self, projectFileName, session, spatial=spatial, spatialReferenceID=spatialReferenceID) # Get the batch directory for output batchDirectory = self._getBatchDirectory(directory) # Automatically derive the spatial reference system, if possible if spatialReferenceID is None: spatialReferenceID = self._automaticallyDeriveSpatialReferenceId(directory) # Read in replace param file replaceParamFile = self._readReplacementFiles(directory, session, spatial, spatialReferenceID) # Read Input Files self._readXput(self.INPUT_FILES, directory, session, spatial=spatial, spatialReferenceID=spatialReferenceID, replaceParamFile=replaceParamFile) # Read Output Files self._readXput(self.OUTPUT_FILES, batchDirectory, session, spatial=spatial, spatialReferenceID=spatialReferenceID, replaceParamFile=replaceParamFile) # Read Input Map Files self._readXputMaps(self.INPUT_MAPS, directory, session, spatial=spatial, spatialReferenceID=spatialReferenceID, replaceParamFile=replaceParamFile) # Read WMS Dataset Files self._readWMSDatasets(self.WMS_DATASETS, batchDirectory, session, spatial=spatial, spatialReferenceID=spatialReferenceID) # Commit to database self._commit(session, self.COMMIT_ERROR_MESSAGE)
[docs] def readInput(self, directory, projectFileName, session, spatial=False, spatialReferenceID=None): """ Read only input files for a GSSHA project into the database. Use this method to read a project when only pre-processing tasks need to be performed. Args: directory (str): Directory containing all GSSHA model files. This method assumes that all files are located in the same directory. projectFileName (str): Name of the project file for the GSSHA model which will be read (e.g.: 'example.prj'). session (:mod:`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session`): SQLAlchemy session object bound to PostGIS enabled database spatial (bool, optional): If True, spatially enabled objects will be read in as PostGIS spatial objects. Defaults to False. spatialReferenceID (int, optional): Integer id of spatial reference system for the model. If no id is provided GsshaPy will attempt to automatically lookup the spatial reference ID. If this process fails, default srid will be used (4326 for WGS 84). """ self.project_directory = directory with tmp_chdir(directory): # Add project file to session session.add(self) # Read Project File, projectFileName, session, spatial, spatialReferenceID) # Automatically derive the spatial reference system, if possible if spatialReferenceID is None: spatialReferenceID = self._automaticallyDeriveSpatialReferenceId(directory) # Read in replace param file replaceParamFile = self._readReplacementFiles(directory, session, spatial, spatialReferenceID) # Read Input Files self._readXput(self.INPUT_FILES, directory, session, spatial=spatial, spatialReferenceID=spatialReferenceID, replaceParamFile=replaceParamFile) # Read Input Map Files self._readXputMaps(self.INPUT_MAPS, directory, session, spatial=spatial, spatialReferenceID=spatialReferenceID, replaceParamFile=replaceParamFile) # Commit to database self._commit(session, self.COMMIT_ERROR_MESSAGE)
[docs] def readOutput(self, directory, projectFileName, session, spatial=False, spatialReferenceID=None): """ Read only output files for a GSSHA project to the database. Use this method to read a project when only post-processing tasks need to be performed. Args: directory (str): Directory containing all GSSHA model files. This method assumes that all files are located in the same directory. projectFileName (str): Name of the project file for the GSSHA model which will be read (e.g.: 'example.prj'). session (:mod:`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session`): SQLAlchemy session object bound to PostGIS enabled database spatial (bool, optional): If True, spatially enabled objects will be read in as PostGIS spatial objects. Defaults to False. spatialReferenceID (int, optional): Integer id of spatial reference system for the model. If no id is provided GsshaPy will attempt to automatically lookup the spatial reference ID. If this process fails, default srid will be used (4326 for WGS 84). """ self.project_directory = directory with tmp_chdir(directory): # Add project file to session session.add(self) # Read Project File, projectFileName, session, spatial, spatialReferenceID) # Get the batch directory for output batchDirectory = self._getBatchDirectory(directory) # Read Mask (dependency of some output files) maskMap = WatershedMaskFile() maskMapFilename = self.getCard('WATERSHED_MASK').value.strip('"'), directory=directory, filename=maskMapFilename, spatial=spatial) maskMap.projectFile = self # Automatically derive the spatial reference system, if possible if spatialReferenceID is None: spatialReferenceID = self._automaticallyDeriveSpatialReferenceId(directory) # Read Output Files self._readXput(self.OUTPUT_FILES, batchDirectory, session, spatial=spatial, spatialReferenceID=spatialReferenceID) # Read WMS Dataset Files self._readWMSDatasets(self.WMS_DATASETS, batchDirectory, session, spatial=spatial, spatialReferenceID=spatialReferenceID) # Commit to database self._commit(session, self.COMMIT_ERROR_MESSAGE)
def _readXputFile(self, file_cards, card_name, directory, session, spatial=False, spatialReferenceID=None, replaceParamFile=None, **kwargs): """ Read specific IO file for a GSSHA project to the database. """ # Automatically derive the spatial reference system, if possible if spatialReferenceID is None: spatialReferenceID = self._automaticallyDeriveSpatialReferenceId(directory) card = self.getCard(card_name) if card: fileIO = file_cards[] filename = card.value.strip('"').strip("'") # Invoke read method on each file return self._invokeRead(fileIO=fileIO, directory=directory, filename=filename, session=session, spatial=spatial, spatialReferenceID=spatialReferenceID, replaceParamFile=replaceParamFile, **kwargs)
[docs] def readInputFile(self, card_name, directory, session, spatial=False, spatialReferenceID=None, **kwargs): """ Read specific input file for a GSSHA project to the database. Args: card_name(str): Name of GSSHA project card. directory (str): Directory containing all GSSHA model files. This method assumes that all files are located in the same directory. session (:mod:`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session`): SQLAlchemy session object bound to PostGIS enabled database spatial (bool, optional): If True, spatially enabled objects will be read in as PostGIS spatial objects. Defaults to False. spatialReferenceID (int, optional): Integer id of spatial reference system for the model. If no id is provided GsshaPy will attempt to automatically lookup the spatial reference ID. If this process fails, default srid will be used (4326 for WGS 84). Returns: file object """ self.project_directory = directory with tmp_chdir(directory): # Read in replace param file replaceParamFile = self._readReplacementFiles(directory, session, spatial, spatialReferenceID) return self._readXputFile(self.INPUT_FILES, card_name, directory, session, spatial, spatialReferenceID, replaceParamFile, **kwargs)
[docs] def readOutputFile(self, card_name, directory, session, spatial=False, spatialReferenceID=None, **kwargs): """ Read specific input file for a GSSHA project to the database. Args: card_name(str): Name of GSSHA project card. directory (str): Directory containing all GSSHA model files. This method assumes that all files are located in the same directory. session (:mod:`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session`): SQLAlchemy session object bound to PostGIS enabled database spatial (bool, optional): If True, spatially enabled objects will be read in as PostGIS spatial objects. Defaults to False. spatialReferenceID (int, optional): Integer id of spatial reference system for the model. If no id is provided GsshaPy will attempt to automatically lookup the spatial reference ID. If this process fails, default srid will be used (4326 for WGS 84). Returns: file object """ self.project_directory = directory with tmp_chdir(directory): return self._readXputFile(self.OUTPUT_FILES, card_name, directory, session, spatial, spatialReferenceID, **kwargs)
[docs] def writeProject(self, session, directory, name): """ Write all files for a project from the database to file. Use this method to write all GsshaPy supported files back into their native file formats. If writing to execute the model, increase efficiency by using the writeInput method to write only the file needed to run the model. Args: session (:mod:`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session`): SQLAlchemy session object bound to PostGIS enabled database directory (str): Directory where the files will be written. name (str): Name that will be given to project when written (e.g.: 'example'). Files that follow the project naming convention will be given this name with the appropriate extension (e.g.: 'example.prj', 'example.cmt', and 'example.gag'). Files that do not follow this convention will retain their original file names. """ self.project_directory = directory with tmp_chdir(directory): # Get the batch directory for output batchDirectory = self._getBatchDirectory(directory) # Get param file for writing replaceParamFile = self.replaceParamFile # Write the replacement files self._writeReplacementFiles(session=session, directory=directory, name=name) # Write Project File self.write(session=session, directory=directory, name=name) # Write input files self._writeXput(session=session, directory=directory, fileCards=self.INPUT_FILES, name=name, replaceParamFile=replaceParamFile) # Write output files self._writeXput(session=session, directory=batchDirectory, fileCards=self.OUTPUT_FILES, name=name) # Write input map files self._writeXputMaps(session=session, directory=directory, mapCards=self.INPUT_MAPS, name=name, replaceParamFile=replaceParamFile) # Write WMS Dataset Files self._writeWMSDatasets(session=session, directory=batchDirectory, wmsDatasetCards=self.WMS_DATASETS, name=name)
[docs] def writeInput(self, session, directory, name): """ Write only input files for a GSSHA project from the database to file. Args: session (:mod:`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session`): SQLAlchemy session object bound to PostGIS enabled database directory (str): Directory where the files will be written. name (str): Name that will be given to project when written (e.g.: 'example'). Files that follow the project naming convention will be given this name with the appropriate extension (e.g.: 'example.prj', 'example.cmt', and 'example.gag'). Files that do not follow this convention will retain their original file names. """ self.project_directory = directory with tmp_chdir(directory): # Get param file for writing replaceParamFile = self.replaceParamFile # Write Project File self.write(session=session, directory=directory, name=name) # Write input files self._writeXput(session=session, directory=directory, fileCards=self.INPUT_FILES, name=name, replaceParamFile=replaceParamFile) # Write input map files self._writeXputMaps(session=session, directory=directory, mapCards=self.INPUT_MAPS, name=name, replaceParamFile=replaceParamFile)
[docs] def writeOutput(self, session, directory, name): """ Write only output files for a GSSHA project from the database to file. Args: session (:mod:`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session`): SQLAlchemy session object bound to PostGIS enabled database directory (str): Directory where the files will be written. name (str): Name that will be given to project when written (e.g.: 'example'). Files that follow the project naming convention will be given this name with the appropriate extension (e.g.: 'example.prj', 'example.cmt', and 'example.gag'). Files that do not follow this convention will retain their original file names. """ self.project_directory = directory with tmp_chdir(directory): # Get the batch directory for output batchDirectory = self._getBatchDirectory(directory) # Write the replacement files self._writeReplacementFiles(session=session, directory=directory, name=name) # Write Project File self.write(session=session, directory=directory, name=name) # Write output files self._writeXput(session=session, directory=batchDirectory, fileCards=self.OUTPUT_FILES, name=name) # Write WMS Dataset Files self._writeWMSDatasets(session=session, directory=batchDirectory, wmsDatasetCards=self.WMS_DATASETS, name=name)
[docs] def getFileKeys(self): """ Retrieve a list of file keys that have been read into the database. This is a utility method that can be used to programmatically access the GsshaPy file objects. Use these keys in conjunction with the dictionary returned by the getFileObjects method. Returns: list: List of keys representing file objects that have been read into the database. """ files = self.getFileObjects() files_list = [] for key, value in files.iteritems(): if value: files_list.append(key) return files_list
[docs] def getFileObjects(self): """ Retrieve a dictionary of file objects. This is a utility method that can be used to programmatically access the GsshaPy file objects. Use this method in conjunction with the getFileKeys method to access only files that have been read into the database. Returns: dict: Dictionary with human readable keys and values of GsshaPy file object instances. Files that have not been read into the database will have a value of None. """ files = {'project-file': self, 'mapping-table-file': self.mapTableFile, 'channel-input-file': self.channelInputFile, 'precipitation-file': self.precipFile, 'storm-pipe-network-file': self.stormPipeNetworkFile, 'hmet-file': self.hmetFile, 'nwsrfs-file': self.nwsrfsFile, 'orographic-gage-file': self.orographicGageFile, 'grid-pipe-file': self.gridPipeFile, 'grid-stream-file': self.gridStreamFile, 'time-series-file': self.timeSeriesFiles, 'projection-file': self.projectionFile, 'replace-parameters-file': self.replaceParamFile, 'replace-value-file': self.replaceValFile, 'output-location-file': self.outputLocationFiles, 'maps': self.maps, 'link-node-datasets-file': self.linkNodeDatasets} return files
[docs] def getCard(self, name): """ Retrieve card object for given card name. Args: name (str): Name of card to be retrieved. Returns: :class:`.ProjectCard` or None: Project card object. Will return None if the card is not available. """ cards = self.projectCards for card in cards: if == name.upper(): return card return None
[docs] def setCard(self, name, value, add_quotes=False): """ Adds/updates card for gssha project file Args: name (str): Name of card to be updated/added. value (str): Value to attach to the card. add_quotes (Optional[bool]): If True, will add quotes around string. Default is False. """ gssha_card = self.getCard(name) if add_quotes: value = '"{0}"'.format(value) if gssha_card is None: # add new card new_card = ProjectCard(name=name, value=value) new_card.projectFile = self else: gssha_card.value = value
[docs] def deleteCard(self, card_name, db_session): """ Removes card from gssha project file """ card_name = card_name.upper() gssha_card = self.getCard(card_name) if gssha_card is not None: db_session.delete(gssha_card) db_session.commit()
[docs] def getModelSummaryAsKml(self, session, path=None, documentName=None, withStreamNetwork=True, withNodes=False, styles={}): """ Retrieve a KML representation of the model. Includes polygonized mask map and vector stream network. Args: session (:mod:`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session`): SQLAlchemy session object bound to PostGIS enabled database path (str, optional): Path to file where KML file will be written. Defaults to None. documentName (str, optional): Name of the KML document. This will be the name that appears in the legend. Defaults to 'Stream Network'. withStreamNetwork (bool, optional): Include stream network. Defaults to True. withNodes (bool, optional): Include nodes. Defaults to False. styles (dict, optional): Custom styles to apply to KML geometry. Defaults to empty dictionary. Valid keys (styles) include: * streamLineColor: tuple/list of RGBA integers (0-255) e.g.: (255, 0, 0, 128) * streamLineWidth: float line width in pixels * nodeIconHref: link to icon image (PNG format) to represent nodes (see: * nodeIconScale: scale of the icon image * maskLineColor: tuple/list of RGBA integers (0-255) e.g.: (255, 0, 0, 128) * maskLineWidth: float line width in pixels * maskFillColor: tuple/list of RGBA integers (0-255) e.g.: (255, 0, 0, 128) Returns: str: KML string """ # Get mask map watershedMaskCard = self.getCard('WATERSHED_MASK') maskFilename = watershedMaskCard.value maskExtension = maskFilename.strip('"').split('.')[1] maskMap = session.query(RasterMapFile).\ filter(RasterMapFile.projectFile == self).\ filter(RasterMapFile.fileExtension == maskExtension).\ one() # Get mask map as a KML polygon statement = """ SELECT val, ST_AsKML(geom) As polygon FROM ( SELECT (ST_DumpAsPolygons({0})).* FROM {1} WHERE id={2} ) As foo ORDER BY val; """.format('raster', maskMap.tableName, result = session.execute(statement) maskMapKmlPolygon = '' for row in result: maskMapKmlPolygon = row.polygon # Set Default Styles streamLineColorValue = (255, 255, 0, 0) # Blue streamLineWidthValue = 2 nodeIconHrefValue = '' nodeIconScaleValue = 1 maskLineColorValue = (255, 0, 0, 255) maskFillColorValue = (128, 64, 64, 64) maskLineWidthValue = 2 # Validate if 'streamLineColor' in styles: if len(styles['streamLineColor']) < 4: log.warning('streamLineColor style must be a list or a tuple of ' 'four elements representing integer RGBA values.') else: userLineColor = styles['streamLineColor'] streamLineColorValue = (userLineColor[3], userLineColor[2], userLineColor[1], userLineColor[0]) if 'streamLineWidth' in styles: try: float(styles['streamLineWidth']) streamLineWidthValue = styles['streamLineWidth'] except ValueError: log.warning('streamLineWidth must be a valid ' 'number representing the width of the line in pixels.') if 'nodeIconHref' in styles: nodeIconHrefValue = styles['nodeIconHref'] if 'nodeIconScale' in styles: try: float(styles['nodeIconScale']) nodeIconScaleValue = styles['nodeIconScale'] except ValueError: log.warning('nodeIconScaleValue must be a valid number representing' ' the width of the line in pixels.') if 'maskLineColor' in styles: if len(styles['maskLineColor']) < 4: log.warning('maskLineColor style must be a list or a tuple of four ' 'elements representing integer RGBA values.') else: userLineColor = styles['maskLineColor'] maskLineColorValue = (userLineColor[3], userLineColor[2], userLineColor[1], userLineColor[0]) if 'maskFillColor' in styles: if len(styles['maskFillColor']) < 4: log.warning('maskFillColor style must be a list or a tuple of four ' 'elements representing integer RGBA values.') else: userLineColor = styles['maskFillColor'] maskFillColorValue = (userLineColor[3], userLineColor[2], userLineColor[1], userLineColor[0]) if 'maskLineWidth' in styles: try: float(styles['maskLineWidth']) maskLineWidthValue = styles['maskLineWidth'] except ValueError: log.warning('maskLineWidth must be a valid number representing ' 'the width of the line in pixels.') if not documentName: documentName = # Initialize KML Document kml = ET.Element('kml', xmlns='') document = ET.SubElement(kml, 'Document') docName = ET.SubElement(document, 'name') docName.text = documentName # Mask Map maskPlacemark = ET.SubElement(document, 'Placemark') maskPlacemarkName = ET.SubElement(maskPlacemark, 'name') maskPlacemarkName.text = 'Mask Map' # Mask Styles maskStyles = ET.SubElement(maskPlacemark, 'Style') # Set polygon line style maskLineStyle = ET.SubElement(maskStyles, 'LineStyle') # Set polygon line color and width maskLineColor = ET.SubElement(maskLineStyle, 'color') maskLineColor.text = '%02X%02X%02X%02X' % maskLineColorValue maskLineWidth = ET.SubElement(maskLineStyle, 'width') maskLineWidth.text = str(maskLineWidthValue) # Set polygon fill color maskPolyStyle = ET.SubElement(maskStyles, 'PolyStyle') maskPolyColor = ET.SubElement(maskPolyStyle, 'color') maskPolyColor.text = '%02X%02X%02X%02X' % maskFillColorValue # Mask Geometry maskPolygon = ET.fromstring(maskMapKmlPolygon) maskPlacemark.append(maskPolygon) if withStreamNetwork: # Get the channel input file for the stream network channelInputFile = self.channelInputFile # Retrieve Stream Links links = channelInputFile.getFluvialLinks() # Stream Network for link in links: placemark = ET.SubElement(document, 'Placemark') placemarkName = ET.SubElement(placemark, 'name') placemarkName.text = 'Stream Link {0}'.format(str(link.linkNumber)) # Create style tag and setup styles styles = ET.SubElement(placemark, 'Style') # Set line style lineStyle = ET.SubElement(styles, 'LineStyle') lineColor = ET.SubElement(lineStyle, 'color') lineColor.text = '%02X%02X%02X%02X' % streamLineColorValue lineWidth = ET.SubElement(lineStyle, 'width') lineWidth.text = str(streamLineWidthValue) # Add the geometry to placemark linkKML = link.getAsKml(session) if linkKML: lineString = ET.fromstring(linkKML) placemark.append(lineString) else: log.warning("No geometry found for link with id {0}".format( if withNodes: # Create the node styles nodeStyles = ET.SubElement(document, 'Style', id='node_styles') # Hide labels nodeLabelStyle = ET.SubElement(nodeStyles, 'LabelStyle') nodeLabelScale = ET.SubElement(nodeLabelStyle, 'scale') nodeLabelScale.text = str(0) # Style icon nodeIconStyle = ET.SubElement(nodeStyles, 'IconStyle') # Set icon nodeIcon = ET.SubElement(nodeIconStyle, 'Icon') iconHref = ET.SubElement(nodeIcon, 'href') iconHref.text = nodeIconHrefValue # Set icon scale iconScale = ET.SubElement(nodeIconStyle, 'scale') iconScale.text = str(nodeIconScaleValue) for node in link.nodes: # New placemark for each node nodePlacemark = ET.SubElement(document, 'Placemark') nodePlacemarkName = ET.SubElement(nodePlacemark, 'name') nodePlacemarkName.text = str(node.nodeNumber) # Styles for the node nodeStyleUrl = ET.SubElement(nodePlacemark, 'styleUrl') nodeStyleUrl.text = '#node_styles' nodeString = ET.fromstring(node.getAsKml(session)) nodePlacemark.append(nodeString) kmlString = ET.tostring(kml) if path: with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(kmlString) return kmlString
[docs] def getModelSummaryAsWkt(self, session, withStreamNetwork=True, withNodes=False): """ Retrieve a Well Known Text representation of the model. Includes polygonized mask map and vector stream network. Args: session (:mod:`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session`): SQLAlchemy session object bound to PostGIS enabled database withStreamNetwork (bool, optional): Include stream network. Defaults to True. withNodes (bool, optional): Include nodes. Defaults to False. Returns: str: Well Known Text string """ # Get mask map watershedMaskCard = self.getCard('WATERSHED_MASK') maskFilename = watershedMaskCard.value maskExtension = maskFilename.strip('"').split('.')[1] maskMap = session.query(RasterMapFile).\ filter(RasterMapFile.projectFile == self).\ filter(RasterMapFile.fileExtension == maskExtension).\ one() # Get mask map as a KML polygon statement = """ SELECT val, ST_AsText(geom) As polygon FROM ( SELECT (ST_DumpAsPolygons({0})).* FROM {1} WHERE id={2} ) As foo ORDER BY val; """.format('raster', maskMap.tableName, result = session.execute(statement) maskMapTextPolygon = '' for row in result: maskMapTextPolygon = row.polygon # Default WKT model representation string is a geometry collection with the mask map polygon wktString = 'GEOMCOLLECTION ({0})'.format(maskMapTextPolygon) if withStreamNetwork: # Get the channel input file for the stream network channelInputFile = self.channelInputFile # Some models may not have streams enabled if channelInputFile is not None: # Use the existing method on the channel input file to generate the stream network WKT wktStreamNetwork = channelInputFile.getStreamNetworkAsWkt(session=session, withNodes=withNodes) # Strip off the "GEOMCOLLECTION" identifier wktStreamNetwork = wktStreamNetwork.replace('GEOMCOLLECTION (', '') # Replace the WKT model representation string with a geometry collection with mask map # and all stream network components wktString = 'GEOMCOLLECTION ({0}, {1}'.format(maskMapTextPolygon, wktStreamNetwork) return wktString
[docs] def getModelSummaryAsGeoJson(self, session, withStreamNetwork=True, withNodes=False): """ Retrieve a GeoJSON representation of the model. Includes vectorized mask map and stream network. Args: session (:mod:`sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session`): SQLAlchemy session object bound to PostGIS enabled database withStreamNetwork (bool, optional): Include stream network. Defaults to True. withNodes (bool, optional): Include nodes. Defaults to False. Returns: str: GeoJSON string """ # Get mask map watershedMaskCard = self.getCard('WATERSHED_MASK') maskFilename = watershedMaskCard.value maskExtension = maskFilename.strip('"').split('.')[1] maskMap = session.query(RasterMapFile).\ filter(RasterMapFile.projectFile == self).\ filter(RasterMapFile.fileExtension == maskExtension).\ one() # Get mask map as a KML polygon statement = """ SELECT val, ST_AsGeoJSON(geom) As polygon FROM ( SELECT (ST_DumpAsPolygons({0})).* FROM {1} WHERE id={2} ) As foo ORDER BY val; """.format('raster', maskMap.tableName, result = session.execute(statement) maskMapJsonPolygon = '' for row in result: maskMapJsonPolygon = row.polygon jsonString = maskMapJsonPolygon if withStreamNetwork: # Get the channel input file for the stream network channelInputFile = self.channelInputFile if channelInputFile is not None: # Use the existing method on the channel input file to generate the stream network GeoJson jsonStreamNetwork = channelInputFile.getStreamNetworkAsGeoJson(session=session, withNodes=withNodes) # Convert to json Python objects featureCollection = json.loads(jsonStreamNetwork) jsonMaskMapObjects = json.loads(maskMapJsonPolygon) # Create a mask feature maskFeature = {"type": "Feature", "geometry": jsonMaskMapObjects, "properties": {}, "id":} # Add mask map to feature collection tempFeatures = featureCollection['features'] tempFeatures.append(maskFeature) featureCollection['features'] = tempFeatures # Dump to string jsonString = json.dumps(featureCollection) return jsonString
[docs] def getGridByCard(self, gssha_card_name): """ Returns GDALGrid object of GSSHA grid Paramters: gssha_card_name(str): Name of GSSHA project card for grid. Returns: GDALGrid """ with tmp_chdir(self.project_directory): if gssha_card_name not in (self.INPUT_MAPS+self.WMS_DATASETS): raise ValueError("Card {0} not found in valid grid cards ..." .format(gssha_card_name)) gssha_grid_card = self.getCard(gssha_card_name) if gssha_grid_card is None: raise ValueError("{0} card not found ...".format(gssha_card_name)) gssha_pro_card = self.getCard("#PROJECTION_FILE") if gssha_pro_card is None: raise ValueError("#PROJECTION_FILE card not found ...") # return gssha grid return GDALGrid(gssha_grid_card.value.strip('"').strip("'"), gssha_pro_card.value.strip('"').strip("'"))
[docs] def getGrid(self, use_mask=True): """ Returns GDALGrid object of GSSHA model bounds Paramters: use_mask(bool): If True, uses watershed mask. Otherwise, it uses the elevaiton grid. Returns: GDALGrid """ grid_card_name = "WATERSHED_MASK" if not use_mask: grid_card_name = "ELEVATION" return self.getGridByCard(grid_card_name)
[docs] def getIndexGrid(self, name): """ Returns GDALGrid object of index map Paramters: name(str): Name of index map in 'cmt' file. Returns: GDALGrid """ index_map = self.mapTableFile.indexMaps.filter_by(name=name).one() gssha_pro_card = self.getCard("#PROJECTION_FILE") if gssha_pro_card is None: raise ValueError("#PROJECTION_FILE card not found ...") with tmp_chdir(self.project_directory): # return gssha grid return GDALGrid(index_map.filename, gssha_pro_card.value.strip('"').strip("'"))
[docs] def getWkt(self): """ Returns GSSHA projection WKT string """ gssha_pro_card = self.getCard("#PROJECTION_FILE") if gssha_pro_card is None: raise ValueError("#PROJECTION_FILE card not found ...") with tmp_chdir(self.project_directory): gssha_prj_file = gssha_pro_card.value.strip('"').strip("'") with open(gssha_prj_file) as pro_file: wkt_string = return wkt_string
[docs] def getOutlet(self): """ Gets the outlet latitude and longitude. Returns: latitude(float): Latitude of grid cell center. longitude(float): Longitude of grid cell center. """ # OUTROW, OUTCOL outrow = int(self.getCard(name='OUTROW').value)-1 outcol = int(self.getCard(name='OUTCOL').value)-1 gssha_grid = self.getGrid() return gssha_grid.pixel2lonlat(outcol, outrow)
[docs] def setOutlet(self, col, row, outslope=None): """ Sets the outlet grid cell information in the project file. Parameters: col(float): 1-based column index. row(float): 1-based row index. outslope(Optional[float]): River slope at outlet. """ #OUTROW, OUTCOL, OUTSLOPE gssha_grid = self.getGrid() # col, row = gssha_grid.lonlat2pixel(longitude, latitude) # add 1 to row & col becasue GSSHA is 1-based self.setCard(name='OUTROW', value=str(row)) self.setCard(name='OUTCOL', value=str(col)) if outslope is None: self.calculateOutletSlope() else: self.setCard(name='OUTSLOPE', value=str(outslope))
[docs] def findOutlet(self, shapefile_path): """ Calculate outlet location """ # determine outlet from shapefile # by getting outlet from first point in polygon # make sure the boundary geometry is valid check_watershed_boundary_geometry(shapefile_path) shapefile = ogr.Open(shapefile_path) source_layer = shapefile.GetLayer(0) source_lyr_proj = source_layer.GetSpatialRef() osr_geographic_proj = osr.SpatialReference() osr_geographic_proj.ImportFromEPSG(4326) proj_transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(source_lyr_proj, osr_geographic_proj) boundary_feature = source_layer.GetFeature(0) feat_geom = boundary_feature.GetGeometryRef() feat_geom.Transform(proj_transform) polygon = shapely_loads(feat_geom.ExportToWkb()) # make lowest point on boundary outlet mask_grid = self.getGrid() elevation_grid = self.getGrid(use_mask=False) elevation_array = elevation_grid.np_array() ma_elevation_array =, mask=mask_grid.np_array()==0) min_elevation = sys.maxsize outlet_pt = None for coord in list(polygon.exterior.coords): try: col, row = mask_grid.lonlat2pixel(*coord) except IndexError: # out of bounds continue elevation_value = ma_elevation_array[row, col] if elevation_value is # search for closest value in mask to this point # elevation within 5 pixels in any direction actual_value = elevation_array[row, col] max_diff = sys.maxsize nrow = None ncol = None nval = None for row_ix in range(max(row-5, 0), min(row+5, mask_grid.y_size)): for col_ix in range(max(col-5, 0), min(col+5, mask_grid.x_size)): val = ma_elevation_array[row_ix, col_ix] if not val is val_diff = abs(val-actual_value) if val_diff < max_diff: max_diff = val_diff nval = val nrow = row_ix ncol = col_ix if None not in (nrow, ncol, nval): row = nrow col = ncol elevation_value = nval if elevation_value < min_elevation: min_elevation = elevation_value outlet_pt = (col, row) if outlet_pt is None: raise IndexError('No valid outlet points found on boundary ...') outcol, outrow = outlet_pt self.setOutlet(col=outcol+1, row=outrow+1)
[docs] def calculateOutletSlope(self): """ Attempt to determine the slope at the OUTLET """ try: mask_grid = self.getGrid() elevation_grid = self.getGrid(use_mask=False) outrow = int(self.getCard("OUTROW").value)-1 outcol = int(self.getCard("OUTCOL").value)-1 cell_size = float(self.getCard("GRIDSIZE").value) min_row = max(0, outrow-1) max_row = min(mask_grid.x_size, outrow+2) min_col = max(0, outcol-1) max_col = min(mask_grid.y_size, outcol+2) mask_array = mask_grid.np_array() mask_array[outrow, outcol] = 0 mask_array = mask_array[min_row:max_row, min_col:max_col] mask_array = (mask_array==0) elevation_array = elevation_grid.np_array() original_elevation = elevation_array[outrow, outcol] elevation_array = elevation_array[min_row:max_row, min_col:max_col] slope_calc_array = (elevation_array-original_elevation)/cell_size #NOTE: Ignoring distance to cells at angles. Assuming to small to matter mask_array[slope_calc_array<=0] = True slope_mask_array =, mask=mask_array) outslope = slope_mask_array.mean() if outslope is or outslope < 0.001: outslope = 0.001 except ValueError: outslope = 0.001 self.setCard("OUTSLOPE", str(outslope))
@property def timezone(self): """ timezone of GSSHA model """ if self._tz is None: # GET CENTROID FROM GSSHA GRID cen_lat, cen_lon = self.centerLatLon() # update time zone tf = TimezoneFinder() tz_name = tf.timezone_at(lng=cen_lon, lat=cen_lat) self._tz = timezone(tz_name) return self._tz
[docs] def centerLatLon(self): """ Get the center lat/lon of model """ # GET CENTROID FROM GSSHA GRID gssha_grid = self.getGrid() min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = gssha_grid.bounds() x_ext, y_ext = transform(gssha_grid.proj, Proj(init='epsg:4326'), [min_x, max_x, min_x, max_x], [min_y, max_y, max_y, min_y], ) return np.mean(y_ext), np.mean(x_ext)
def _automaticallyDeriveSpatialReferenceId(self, directory): """ This method is used to automatically lookup the spatial reference ID of the GSSHA project. This method is a wrapper for the ProjectionFile class method lookupSpatialReferenceID(). It requires an internet connection (the lookup uses a web service) and the projection file to be present and the appropriate card in the project file pointing to the projection file (#PROJECTION_FILE). If the process fails, it defaults to SRID 4326 which is the id for WGS 84. """ # Only do automatic look up if spatial reference is not specified by the user DEFAULT_SPATIAL_REFERENCE_ID = 4236 # Lookup the projection card in the project file projectionCard = self.getCard('#PROJECTION_FILE') if projectionCard is not None: # Use lookup service srid = ProjectionFile.lookupSpatialReferenceID(directory=directory, filename=projectionCard.value.strip('"')) try: # Verify the resulting srid is a number int(srid) self.srid = srid spatialReferenceID = srid"Automatic spatial reference ID lookup succeded. Using id: {0}".format(spatialReferenceID)) except: # Otherwise, use the default id spatialReferenceID = DEFAULT_SPATIAL_REFERENCE_ID log.warning("Automatic spatial reference ID lookup failed. Using default id: {0}".format(DEFAULT_SPATIAL_REFERENCE_ID)) else: # If there is no projection card in the project file, use default spatialReferenceID = DEFAULT_SPATIAL_REFERENCE_ID log.warning("Automatic spatial reference ID lookup failed. Using default id: {0}".format(DEFAULT_SPATIAL_REFERENCE_ID)) return spatialReferenceID def _getBatchDirectory(self, projectRootDirectory): """ Check the project file for the REPLACE_FOLDER card. If it exists, append it's value to create the batch directory path. This is the directory output is written to when run in batch mode. """ # Set output directory to main directory as default batchDirectory = projectRootDirectory # Get the replace folder card replaceFolderCard = self.getCard('REPLACE_FOLDER') if replaceFolderCard: replaceDir = replaceFolderCard.value.strip('"') batchDirectory = os.path.join(batchDirectory, replaceDir) # Create directory if it doesn't exist if not os.path.isdir(batchDirectory): os.mkdir(batchDirectory)'Creating directory for batch output: {0}'.format(batchDirectory)) return batchDirectory def _readXput(self, fileCards, directory, session, spatial=False, spatialReferenceID=4236, replaceParamFile=None): """ GSSHAPY Project Read Files from File Method """ ## NOTE: This function is dependent on the project file being read first # Read Input/Output Files for card in self.projectCards: if ( in fileCards) and self._noneOrNumValue(card.value) and fileCards[]: fileIO = fileCards[] filename = card.value.strip('"') # Invoke read method on each file self._invokeRead(fileIO=fileIO, directory=directory, filename=filename, session=session, spatial=spatial, spatialReferenceID=spatialReferenceID, replaceParamFile=replaceParamFile) def _readXputMaps(self, mapCards, directory, session, spatial=False, spatialReferenceID=4236, replaceParamFile=None): """ GSSHA Project Read Map Files from File Method """ if self.mapType in self.MAP_TYPES_SUPPORTED: for card in self.projectCards: if ( in mapCards) and self._noneOrNumValue(card.value): filename = card.value.strip('"') # Invoke read method on each map self._invokeRead(fileIO=RasterMapFile, directory=directory, filename=filename, session=session, spatial=spatial, spatialReferenceID=spatialReferenceID, replaceParamFile=replaceParamFile) else: for card in self.projectCards: if ( in mapCards) and self._noneOrNumValue(card.value): filename = card.value.strip('"') fileExtension = filename.split('.')[1] if fileExtension in self.ALWAYS_READ_AND_WRITE_MAPS: # Invoke read method on each map self._invokeRead(fileIO=RasterMapFile, directory=directory, filename=filename, session=session, spatial=spatial, spatialReferenceID=spatialReferenceID, replaceParamFile=replaceParamFile) log.warning('Could not read map files. ' 'MAP_TYPE {0} not supported.'.format(self.mapType)) def _readWMSDatasets(self, datasetCards, directory, session, spatial=False, spatialReferenceID=4236): """ Method to handle the special case of WMS Dataset Files. WMS Dataset Files cannot be read in independently as other types of file can. They rely on the Mask Map file for some parameters. """ if self.mapType in self.MAP_TYPES_SUPPORTED: # Get Mask Map dependency maskMap = session.query(RasterMapFile).\ filter(RasterMapFile.projectFile == self).\ filter(RasterMapFile.fileExtension == 'msk').\ one() for card in self.projectCards: if ( in datasetCards) and self._noneOrNumValue(card.value): # Get filename from project file filename = card.value.strip('"') path = os.path.join(directory, filename) if os.path.isfile(path): wmsDatasetFile = WMSDatasetFile() wmsDatasetFile.projectFile = self, filename=filename, session=session, maskMap=maskMap, spatial=spatial, spatialReferenceID=spatialReferenceID) else: self._readBatchOutputForFile(directory, WMSDatasetFile, filename, session, spatial, spatialReferenceID, maskMap=maskMap) def _readReplacementFiles(self, directory, session, spatial, spatialReferenceID): """ Check for the parameter replacement file cards (REPLACE_PARAMS and REPLACE_VALS) and read the files into database if they exist. Returns: replaceParamFile or None if it doesn't exist """ # Set default replaceParamFile = None # Check for REPLACE_PARAMS card replaceParamCard = self.getCard('REPLACE_PARAMS') # Read the file if it exists if replaceParamCard is not None: filename = replaceParamCard.value.strip('"') replaceParamFile = ReplaceParamFile(), filename=filename, session=session, spatial=spatial, spatialReferenceID=spatialReferenceID) replaceParamFile.projectFile = self # Check for the REPLACE_VALS card replaceValsCard = self.getCard('REPLACE_VALS') # Read the file if it exists if replaceValsCard is not None: filename = replaceValsCard.value.strip('"') replaceValsCard = ReplaceValFile(), filename=filename, session=session, spatial=spatial, spatialReferenceID=spatialReferenceID) replaceValsCard.projectFile = self return replaceParamFile def _readBatchOutputForFile(self, directory, fileIO, filename, session, spatial, spatialReferenceID, replaceParamFile=None, maskMap=None): """ When batch mode is run in GSSHA, the files of the same type are prepended with an integer to avoid filename conflicts. This will attempt to read files in this format and throw warnings if the files aren't found. """ # Get contents of directory directoryList = os.listdir(directory) # Compile a list of files with that include the filename in them batchFiles = [] for thing in directoryList: if filename in thing: batchFiles.append(thing) numFilesRead = 0 for batchFile in batchFiles: instance = fileIO() instance.projectFile = self if isinstance(instance, WMSDatasetFile):, filename=batchFile, session=session, maskMap=maskMap, spatial=spatial, spatialReferenceID=spatialReferenceID) else:, batchFile, session, spatial=spatial, spatialReferenceID=spatialReferenceID, replaceParamFile=replaceParamFile) # Increment runCounter for next file numFilesRead += 1 # Issue warnings if '[' in filename or ']' in filename:'A file cannot be read, because the path to the ' 'file in the project file has been replaced with ' 'replacement variable {0}.'.format(filename)) elif numFilesRead == 0: log.warning('{0} listed in project file, but no such ' 'file exists.'.format(filename)) else:'Batch mode output detected. {0} files read ' 'for file {1}'.format(numFilesRead, filename)) def _invokeRead(self, fileIO, directory, filename, session, spatial=False, spatialReferenceID=4236, replaceParamFile=None, **kwargs): """ Invoke File Read Method on Other Files """ path = os.path.join(directory, filename) if os.path.isfile(path): instance = fileIO() instance.projectFile = self, filename, session, spatial=spatial, spatialReferenceID=spatialReferenceID, replaceParamFile=replaceParamFile, **kwargs) return instance else: self._readBatchOutputForFile(directory, fileIO, filename, session, spatial, spatialReferenceID, replaceParamFile) def _writeXput(self, session, directory, fileCards, name=None, replaceParamFile=None): """ GSSHA Project Write Files to File Method """ for card in self.projectCards: if ( in fileCards) and self._noneOrNumValue(card.value) \ and fileCards[]: fileIO = fileCards[] filename = card.value.strip('"') # Check for replacement variables if '[' in filename or ']' in filename:'The file for project card {0} cannot be ' 'written, because the path has been replaced ' 'with replacement variable {1}.'.format(, filename)) return # Determine new filename filename = self._replaceNewFilename(filename=filename, name=name) # Invoke write method on each file self._invokeWrite(fileIO=fileIO, session=session, directory=directory, filename=filename, replaceParamFile=replaceParamFile) def _writeXputMaps(self, session, directory, mapCards, name=None, replaceParamFile=None): """ GSSHAPY Project Write Map Files to File Method """ if self.mapType in self.MAP_TYPES_SUPPORTED: for card in self.projectCards: if ( in mapCards) and self._noneOrNumValue(card.value): filename = card.value.strip('"') # Determine new filename filename = self._replaceNewFilename(filename, name) # Write map file self._invokeWrite(fileIO=RasterMapFile, session=session, directory=directory, filename=filename, replaceParamFile=replaceParamFile) else: for card in self.projectCards: if ( in mapCards) and self._noneOrNumValue(card.value): filename = card.value.strip('"') fileExtension = filename.split('.')[1] if fileExtension in self.ALWAYS_READ_AND_WRITE_MAPS: # Determine new filename filename = self._replaceNewFilename(filename, name) # Write map file self._invokeWrite(fileIO=RasterMapFile, session=session, directory=directory, filename=filename, replaceParamFile=replaceParamFile) log.error('Could not write map files. MAP_TYPE {0} ' 'not supported.'.format(self.mapType)) def _writeWMSDatasets(self, session, directory, wmsDatasetCards, name=None): """ GSSHAPY Project Write WMS Datasets to File Method """ if self.mapType in self.MAP_TYPES_SUPPORTED: for card in self.projectCards: if ( in wmsDatasetCards) and self._noneOrNumValue(card.value): filename = card.value.strip('"') # Determine new filename filename = self._replaceNewFilename(filename, name) # Handle case where fileIO interfaces with multiple files # Retrieve File using FileIO and file extension extension = filename.split('.')[1] # Get mask map file maskMap = session.query(RasterMapFile).\ filter(RasterMapFile.projectFile == self).\ filter(RasterMapFile.fileExtension == 'msk').\ one() # Default wms dataset wmsDataset = None try: wmsDataset = session.query(WMSDatasetFile). \ filter(WMSDatasetFile.projectFile == self). \ filter(WMSDatasetFile.fileExtension == extension). \ one() except NoResultFound: # Handle case when there is no file in database but # the card is listed in the project file log.warning('{0} listed as card in project file, ' 'but the file is not found in the database.'.format(filename)) except MultipleResultsFound: # Write all instances self._invokeWriteForMultipleOfType(directory, extension, WMSDatasetFile, filename, session, maskMap=maskMap) return # Initiate Write Method on File if wmsDataset is not None and maskMap is not None: wmsDataset.write(session=session, directory=directory, name=filename, maskMap=maskMap) else: log.error('Could not write WMS Dataset files. ' 'MAP_TYPE {0} not supported.'.format(self.mapType)) def _writeReplacementFiles(self, session, directory, name): """ Write the replacement files """ if self.replaceParamFile: self.replaceParamFile.write(session=session, directory=directory, name=name) if self.replaceValFile: self.replaceValFile.write(session=session, directory=directory, name=name) def _invokeWriteForMultipleOfType(self, directory, extension, fileIO, filename, session, replaceParamFile=None, maskMap=None): # Write all instances instances = session.query(fileIO). \ filter(fileIO.projectFile == self). \ filter(fileIO.fileExtension == extension). \ all() index = 0 for index, instance in enumerate(instances): if instance is not None: # Prefix each file with an integer representing the run prefix = '{0:04d}_'.format(index + 1) prefixFilename = prefix + filename if isinstance(instance, WMSDatasetFile): instance.write(session=session, directory=directory, name=prefixFilename, maskMap=maskMap) else: instance.write(session=session, directory=directory, name=prefixFilename, replaceParamFile=replaceParamFile)'Batch mode output detected. {1} files written ' 'having extension {0}.'.format(extension, index + 1)) def _invokeWrite(self, fileIO, session, directory, filename, replaceParamFile): """ Invoke File Write Method on Other Files """ # Default value for instance instance = None try: # Handle case where fileIO interfaces with single file # Retrieve File using FileIO instance = session.query(fileIO). \ filter(fileIO.projectFile == self). \ one() except: # Handle case where fileIO interfaces with multiple files # Retrieve File using FileIO and file extension extension = filename.split('.')[1] try: instance = session.query(fileIO). \ filter(fileIO.projectFile == self). \ filter(fileIO.fileExtension == extension). \ one() except NoResultFound: # Handle case when there is no file in database but the # card is listed in the project file log.warning('{0} listed as card in project file, but ' 'the file is not found in the database.'.format(filename)) except MultipleResultsFound: self._invokeWriteForMultipleOfType(directory, extension, fileIO, filename, session, replaceParamFile=replaceParamFile) return # Initiate Write Method on File if instance is not None: instance.write(session=session, directory=directory, name=filename, replaceParamFile=replaceParamFile) def _replaceNewFilename(self, filename, name): # Variables pro = False originalProjectName = originalFilename = filename originalPrefix = originalFilename.split('.')[0] extension = originalFilename.split('.')[1] # Special case with projection file if '_prj' in originalPrefix: originalPrefix = originalPrefix.split('_')[0] pro = True # Handle new name if name is None: # The project name is not changed and file names # stay the same filename = originalFilename elif originalPrefix == originalProjectName and pro: # Handle renaming of projection file filename = '%s_prj.%s' % (name, extension) elif originalPrefix == originalProjectName: # This check is necessary because not all filenames are # prefixed with the project name. Thus the file prefix # is only changed for files that are prefixed with the # project name filename = '%s.%s' % (name, extension) elif originalProjectName in originalPrefix: filename = '%s%s.%s' % (name, originalPrefix.replace(originalProjectName, ''), extension) else: # Filename doesn't change for files that don't share the # project prefix. e.g.: hmet.hmt filename = originalFilename return filename def _noneOrNumValue(self, value): """ Check if the value of a card is none or a number. """ if value: try: float(value) # If the value is a number, return false return False except: # If the value is not a number or none return true return True # If the value is a None type, then return false return False def _extractCard(self, projectLine, force_relative=True): DIRECTORY_PATHS = ('REPLACE_FOLDER',) splitLine = shlex.split(projectLine) cardName = splitLine[0] # pathSplit will fail on boolean cards (no value # = no second parameter in list (currLine[1]) try: # Split the path by / or \\ and retrieve last # item to store relative paths as Card Value pathSplit = re.split('/|\\\\', splitLine[1]) try: # If the value is able to be converted to a # float (any number) then store value only. # Store all values if there are multiple. float(pathSplit[-1]) cardValue = ' '.join(splitLine[1:]) except: # A string will throw an exception with an attempt to # convert to float. In this case wrap the string # in double quotes. if cardName == 'WMS' or not force_relative: cardValue = ' '.join(splitLine[1:]) elif '.' in pathSplit[-1]: if cardName == '#INDEXGRID_GUID': try: # Get WMS ID for Index Map as part of value cardValue = '"%s" "%s"' % (pathSplit[-1], splitLine[2]) except: # Like normal if the ID isn't there cardValue = '"%s"' % pathSplit[-1] else: # If the string contains a '.' it is a path: wrap in double quotes cardValue = '"%s"' % pathSplit[-1] elif pathSplit[-1] == '': # For directory cards with unix run through # _extractDirectoryCard() method to extract relative # path to the directory. cardValue = self._extractDirectoryCard(projectLine)['value'] elif cardName in DIRECTORY_PATHS: cardValue = '"%s"' % pathSplit[-1] else: # Else it is a card name/option don't wrap in quotes cardValue = pathSplit[-1] # For boolean cards store None except: cardValue = None return {'name': cardName, 'value': cardValue} def _extractDirectoryCard(self, projectLine, force_relative=True): PROJECT_PATH = ('PROJECT_PATH') # Handle special case with directory cards in windows. # shlex.split fails because windows directory cards end # with an escape character. (e.g.: "this\path\ends\with\escape\") currLine = projectLine.strip().split() # Extract Card Name from the first item in the list cardName = currLine[0] preValue = currLine[1].strip('"').strip("'") if not force_relative: cardValue = preValue else: if cardName in PROJECT_PATH: # Project as relative is the current directory (empty string) cardValue = '""' else: # Pull only the last directory to make it relative if preValue.endswith('/'): splath = preValue.split('/') dirname = splath[-2] elif preValue.endswith('\\\\'): splath = preValue.split('\\\\') dirname = splath[-2] elif preValue.endswith('\\'): splath = preValue.split('\\') dirname = splath[-2] else: dirname = os.path.basename(preValue) # Eliminate slashes to make it OS agnostic basename = dirname.replace('\\', '') cardValue = '"%s"' % basename.replace('/', '') return {'name': cardName, 'value': cardValue}
[docs]class ProjectCard(DeclarativeBase): """ Object containing data for a single card in the project file. """ __tablename__ = 'prj_project_cards' tableName = __tablename__ #: Database tablename # Primary and Foreign Keys id = Column(Integer, autoincrement=True, primary_key=True) #: PK projectFileID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) #: FK # Value Columns name = Column(String) #: STRING value = Column(String) #: STRING # Relationship Properties projectFile = relationship('ProjectFile', back_populates='projectCards') #: RELATIONSHIP def __init__(self, name, value): """ Constructor """ = name self.value = value def __repr__(self): return '<ProjectCard: Name=%s, Value=%s>' % (, self.value)
[docs] def write(self, originalPrefix, newPrefix=None): """ Write project card to string. Args: originalPrefix (str): Original name to give to files that follow the project naming convention (e.g: prefix.gag). newPrefix (str, optional): If new prefix is desired, pass in this parameter. Defaults to None. Returns: str: Card and value as they would be written to the project file. """ # Determine number of spaces between card and value for nice alignment numSpaces = max(2, 25 - len( # Handle special case of booleans if self.value is None: line = '%s\n' % else: if == 'WMS': line = '%s %s\n' % (, self.value) elif newPrefix is None: line = '%s%s%s\n' % (, ' ' * numSpaces, self.value) elif originalPrefix in self.value: line = '%s%s%s\n' % (, ' ' * numSpaces, self.value.replace(originalPrefix, newPrefix)) else: line = '%s%s%s\n' % (, ' ' * numSpaces, self.value) return line