Source code for gsshapy.grid.era_to_gssha

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#  GSSHApy
#  Created by Alan D Snow, 2016.
#  License BSD 3-Clause

import logging
from datetime import timedelta
from os import mkdir, path, remove, rename
import xarray as xr

from .grid_to_gssha import GRIDtoGSSHA

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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[docs]def download_era5_for_gssha(main_directory, start_datetime, end_datetime, leftlon=-180, rightlon=180, toplat=90, bottomlat=-90, precip_only=False): """ Function to download ERA5 data for GSSHA .. note:: Args: main_directory(:obj:`str`): Location of the output for the forecast data. start_datetime(:obj:`str`): Datetime for download start. end_datetime(:obj:`str`): Datetime for download end. leftlon(Optional[:obj:`float`]): Left bound for longitude. Default is -180. rightlon(Optional[:obj:`float`]): Right bound for longitude. Default is 180. toplat(Optional[:obj:`float`]): Top bound for latitude. Default is 90. bottomlat(Optional[:obj:`float`]): Bottom bound for latitude. Default is -90. precip_only(Optional[bool]): If True, will only download precipitation. Example:: from gsshapy.grid.era_to_gssha import download_era5_for_gssha era5_folder = '/era5' leftlon = -95 rightlon = -75 toplat = 35 bottomlat = 30 download_era5_for_gssha(era5_folder, leftlon, rightlon, toplat, bottomlat) """ # parameters: # import here to make sure it is not required to run from ecmwfapi import ECMWFDataServer server = ECMWFDataServer() try: mkdir(main_directory) except OSError: pass download_area = "{toplat}/{leftlon}/{bottomlat}/{rightlon}".format(toplat=toplat, leftlon=leftlon, bottomlat=bottomlat, rightlon=rightlon) download_datetime = start_datetime while download_datetime <= end_datetime: download_file = path.join(main_directory, "era5_gssha_{0}.nc".format(download_datetime.strftime("%Y%m%d"))) download_date = download_datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if not path.exists(download_file) and not precip_only: server.retrieve({ 'dataset': "era5_test", # 'oper' specifies the high resolution daily data, as opposed to monthly means, wave, eda edmm, etc. 'stream': "oper", # We want instantaneous parameters, which are archived as type Analysis ('an') as opposed to forecast (fc) 'type': "an", # Surface level, as opposed to pressure level (pl) or model level (ml) 'levtype': "sfc", # For parameter codes see the ECMWF parameter database at 'param': "2t/2d/sp/10u/10v/tcc", # The spatial resolution in ERA5 is 31 km globally on a Gaussian grid. # Here we us lat/long with 0.25 degrees, which is approximately the equivalent of 31km. 'grid': "0.25/0.25", # ERA5 provides hourly analysis 'time': "00/to/23/by/1", # area: N/W/S/E 'area': download_area, 'date': download_date, 'target': download_file, 'format': 'netcdf', }) era5_request = { 'dataset': "era5_test", 'stream': "oper", 'type': "fc", 'levtype': "sfc", 'param': "tp/ssrd", 'grid': "0.25/0.25", 'area': download_area, 'format': 'netcdf', } prec_download_file = path.join(main_directory, "era5_gssha_{0}".format(download_datetime.strftime("%Y%m%d"))) loc_download_file0 = path.join(main_directory, "era5_gssha_{0}".format(download_datetime.strftime("%Y%m%d"))) loc_download_file1 = path.join(main_directory, "era5_gssha_{0}".format(download_datetime.strftime("%Y%m%d"))) loc_download_file2 = path.join(main_directory, "era5_gssha_{0}".format(download_datetime.strftime("%Y%m%d"))) if download_datetime <= start_datetime and not path.exists(loc_download_file0): loc_download_date = (download_datetime-timedelta(1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # precipitation 0000-0600 era5_request['step'] = "6/to/12/by/1" era5_request['time'] = "18" era5_request['target'] = loc_download_file0 era5_request['date'] = loc_download_date server.retrieve(era5_request) if download_datetime == end_datetime and not path.exists(loc_download_file1): loc_download_date = download_datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # precipitation 0600-1800 era5_request['step'] = "1/to/12/by/1" era5_request['time'] = "06" era5_request['target'] = loc_download_file1 era5_request['date'] = loc_download_date server.retrieve(era5_request) if download_datetime == end_datetime and not path.exists(loc_download_file2): loc_download_date = download_datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # precipitation 1800-2300 era5_request['step'] = "1/to/5/by/1" era5_request['time'] = "18" era5_request['target'] = loc_download_file2 era5_request['date'] = loc_download_date server.retrieve(era5_request) if download_datetime < end_datetime and not path.exists(prec_download_file): # precipitation 0600-0600 (next day) era5_request['step'] = "1/to/12/by/1" era5_request['time'] = "06/18" era5_request['target'] = prec_download_file era5_request['date'] = download_date server.retrieve(era5_request) download_datetime += timedelta(1)
[docs]def download_interim_for_gssha(main_directory, start_datetime, end_datetime, leftlon=-180, rightlon=180, toplat=90, bottomlat=-90, precip_only=False): """ Function to download ERA5 data for GSSHA .. note:: Args: main_directory(:obj:`str`): Location of the output for the forecast data. start_datetime(:obj:`str`): Datetime for download start. end_datetime(:obj:`str`): Datetime for download end. leftlon(Optional[:obj:`float`]): Left bound for longitude. Default is -180. rightlon(Optional[:obj:`float`]): Right bound for longitude. Default is 180. toplat(Optional[:obj:`float`]): Top bound for latitude. Default is 90. bottomlat(Optional[:obj:`float`]): Bottom bound for latitude. Default is -90. precip_only(Optional[bool]): If True, will only download precipitation. Example:: from gsshapy.grid.era_to_gssha import download_era_interim_for_gssha era_interim_folder = '/era_interim' leftlon = -95 rightlon = -75 toplat = 35 bottomlat = 30 download_era_interim_for_gssha(era5_folder, leftlon, rightlon, toplat, bottomlat) """ # parameters: # import here to make sure it is not required to run from ecmwfapi import ECMWFDataServer server = ECMWFDataServer() try: mkdir(main_directory) except OSError: pass download_area = "{toplat}/{leftlon}/{bottomlat}/{rightlon}".format(toplat=toplat, leftlon=leftlon, bottomlat=bottomlat, rightlon=rightlon) download_datetime = start_datetime interim_request = { 'dataset': "interim", # 'oper' specifies the high resolution daily data, as opposed to monthly means, wave, eda edmm, etc. 'stream': "oper", # Surface level, as opposed to pressure level (pl) or model level (ml) 'levtype': "sfc", # The spatial resolution in ERA interim is 80 km globally on a Gaussian grid. # Here we us lat/long with 0.75 degrees, which is approximately the equivalent of 80km. 'grid': "0.5/0.5", 'area': download_area, 'format': 'netcdf', } while download_datetime <= end_datetime: interim_request['date'] = download_datetime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") if not precip_only: download_file = path.join(main_directory, "erai_gssha_{0}".format(download_datetime.strftime("%Y%m%d"))) if not path.exists(download_file): # We want instantaneous parameters, which are archived as type Analysis ('an') as opposed to forecast (fc) interim_request['type'] = "an" # For parameter codes see the ECMWF parameter database at interim_request['param'] = "2t/2d/sp/10u/10v/tcc" # step 0 is analysis, 3-12 is forecast interim_request['step'] = "0" # ERA Interim provides 6-hourly analysis interim_request['time'] = "00/06/12/18" interim_request['target'] = download_file server.retrieve(interim_request) download_file = path.join(main_directory, "erai_gssha_{0}".format(download_datetime.strftime("%Y%m%d"))) if not path.exists(download_file): interim_request['type'] = "fc" interim_request['param'] = "2t/2d/sp/10u/10v/tcc" interim_request['step'] = "3" interim_request['time'] = "00/06/12/18" interim_request['target'] = download_file server.retrieve(interim_request) download_file = path.join(main_directory, "erai_gssha_{0}".format(download_datetime.strftime("%Y%m%d"))) if not path.exists(download_file): interim_request['type'] = "fc" interim_request['param'] = "tp/ssrd" interim_request['step'] = "3/6/9/12" interim_request['time'] = "00/12" interim_request['target'] = download_file server.retrieve(interim_request) # TODO: READ FILE AND MODIFY VALUES SO IT IS NOT INCREMENTAL # # You need total precipitation for every 6 hours. # Daily total precipitation (tp) is only available with a forecast base time 00:00 and 12:00, # so to get tp for every 6 hours you will need to extract (and for the second and fourth period calculate): # tp(00-06) = (time 00, step 6) # tp(06-12) = (time 00, step 12) minus (time 00, step 6) # tp(12-18) = (time 12, step 6) # tp(18-24) = (time 12, step 12) minus (time 12, step 6) # (Note the units for total precipitation is meters.) tmp_download_file = download_file + '_tmp' with xr.open_dataset(download_file) as xd: diff_xd = xd.diff('time')[1:4] =[:3][5:] =[4:] xd.ssrd[1:4] = diff_xd.ssrd[:3] xd.ssrd[5:] = diff_xd.ssrd[4:] xd.to_netcdf(tmp_download_file) remove(download_file) rename(tmp_download_file, download_file) download_file = path.join(main_directory, "erai_gssha_{0}".format(download_datetime.strftime("%Y%m%d"))) if download_datetime <= start_datetime and not path.exists(download_file): loc_download_date = (download_datetime-timedelta(1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") interim_request['type'] = "fc" interim_request['param'] = "tp/ssrd" interim_request['step'] = "9/12" interim_request['time'] = "12" interim_request['target'] = download_file interim_request['date'] = loc_download_date server.retrieve(interim_request) # convert to incremental (see above) tmp_download_file = download_file + '_tmp' with xr.open_dataset(download_file) as xd: inc_xd = xd.diff('time') inc_xd.to_netcdf(tmp_download_file) remove(download_file) rename(tmp_download_file, download_file) download_datetime += timedelta(1)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # MAIN CLASS # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class ERAtoGSSHA(GRIDtoGSSHA): """This class converts the ERA5 or ERA Interim output data to GSSHA formatted input. This class inherits from class:`GRIDtoGSSHA`. .. note:: Attributes: gssha_project_folder(:obj:`str`): Path to the GSSHA project folder gssha_project_file_name(:obj:`str`): Name of the GSSHA elevation grid file. lsm_input_folder_path(:obj:`str`): Path to the input folder for the LSM files. lsm_search_card(:obj:`str`): Glob search pattern for LSM files. Ex. "*.grib2". lsm_lat_var(Optional[:obj:`str`]): Name of the latitude variable in the LSM netCDF files. Defaults to 'lat'. lsm_lon_var(Optional[:obj:`str`]): Name of the longitude variable in the LSM netCDF files. Defaults to 'lon'. lsm_time_var(Optional[:obj:`str`]): Name of the time variable in the LSM netCDF files. Defaults to 'time'. lsm_lat_dim(Optional[:obj:`str`]): Name of the latitude dimension in the LSM netCDF files. Defaults to 'lat'. lsm_lon_dim(Optional[:obj:`str`]): Name of the longitude dimension in the LSM netCDF files. Defaults to 'lon'. lsm_time_dim(Optional[:obj:`str`]): Name of the time dimension in the LSM netCDF files. Defaults to 'time'. output_timezone(Optional[:obj:`tzinfo`]): This is the timezone to output the dates for the data. Default is he GSSHA model timezone. This option does NOT currently work for NetCDF output. download_start_datetime(Optional[:obj:`datetime.datetime`]): Datetime to start download. download_end_datetime(Optional[:obj:`datetime.datetime`]): Datetime to end download. era_download_data(Optional[:obj:`str`]): You can choose 'era5' or 'interim'. Defaults to 'era5'. Example:: from datetime import datetime from gsshapy.grid import ERA5toGSSHA e2g = ERA5toGSSHA(gssha_project_folder='E:\\GSSHA', gssha_project_file_name='gssha.prj', lsm_input_folder_path='E:\\GSSHA\\era5-data', lsm_search_card="*.grib", #download_start_datetime=datetime(2016,1,2), #download_end_datetime=datetime(2016,1,4), ) out_gage_file = 'E:\\GSSHA\\era5_rain1.gag e2g.lsm_precip_to_gssha_precip_gage(out_gage_file, lsm_data_var="tp", precip_type="GAGES") data_var_map_array = [ ['precipitation_inc', 'tp'], ['pressure', 'sp'], ['relative_humidity_dew', ['d2m','t2m']], ['wind_speed', ['u10', 'v10']], ['direct_radiation', 'aluvp'], ['diffusive_radiation', 'aluvd'], ['temperature', 't2m'], ['cloud_cover', 'tcc'], ] e2g.lsm_data_to_arc_ascii(data_var_map_array) """ def __init__(self, gssha_project_folder, gssha_project_file_name, lsm_input_folder_path, lsm_search_card="*.nc", lsm_lat_var='latitude', lsm_lon_var='longitude', lsm_time_var='time', lsm_lat_dim='latitude', lsm_lon_dim='longitude', lsm_time_dim='time', output_timezone=None, download_start_datetime=None, download_end_datetime=None, era_download_data='era5', ): """ Initializer function for the HRRRtoGSSHA class """ self.download_start_datetime = download_start_datetime self.download_end_datetime = download_end_datetime if era_download_data.lower() not in ('era5', 'interim'): raise ValueError("Invalid option for era_download_data. " "Only 'era5' or 'interim' are supported") self.era_download_data = era_download_data.lower() super(ERAtoGSSHA, self).__init__(gssha_project_folder, gssha_project_file_name, lsm_input_folder_path, lsm_search_card, lsm_lat_var, lsm_lon_var, lsm_time_var, lsm_lat_dim, lsm_lon_dim, lsm_time_dim, output_timezone) def _download(self): """download ERA5 data for GSSHA domain""" # reproject GSSHA grid and get bounds min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y = self.gssha_grid.bounds(as_geographic=True) if self.era_download_data == 'era5':"Downloading ERA5 data ...") download_era5_for_gssha(self.lsm_input_folder_path, self.download_start_datetime, self.download_end_datetime, leftlon=min_x-0.5, rightlon=max_x+0.5, toplat=max_y+0.5, bottomlat=min_y-0.5) else:"Downloading ERA Interim data ...") download_interim_for_gssha(self.lsm_input_folder_path, self.download_start_datetime, self.download_end_datetime, leftlon=min_x-1, rightlon=max_x+1, toplat=max_y+1, bottomlat=min_y-1) @property def xd(self): """get xarray dataset file handle to LSM files""" if self._xd is None: # download files if the user requests if None not in (self.download_start_datetime, self.download_end_datetime): self._download() self._xd = super(ERAtoGSSHA, self).xd self._xd.lsm.lon_to_180 = True return self._xd def _load_converted_gssha_data_from_lsm(self, gssha_var, lsm_var, load_type, time_step=None): """ This function loads data from LSM and converts to GSSHA format """ super(ERAtoGSSHA, self).\ _load_converted_gssha_data_from_lsm(gssha_var, lsm_var, load_type, time_step) = True